Suzy Welch

<p>With her unique blend of authenticity, expertise, humor, and tough love, Suzy Welch shares the actionable steps and strategies that motivate audiences around the world to become stronger leaders, collaborators, and communicators. </p><p>With decades of experience in business journalism, teaching, and consulting, Suzy Welch is a renowned mentor and motivator to many around the world, from students to CEOs. With expertise in leadership, change, corporate governance, and career development, she is known for imparting warmth and wisdom about business and culture, captivating an enthusiastic and expanding audience.</p><p>Over the course of her multifaceted career, Suzy has been a crime reporter in Miami, a consultant at Bain & Co., and a columnist for O: <em>The Oprah Magazine</em>. A graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Business School, she has been (and remains) a frequent guest of the Today Show and an op-ed contributor to <em>the Wall Street Journal</em>. But Suzy Welch’s greatest passion is in the classroom at NYU Stern School of Business, where she teaches two acclaimed classes, <em>“Becoming You: Crafting the Authentic Life You Want and Need,</em>” and <em>“Developing Managerial Skills.</em>” She is also the director of the NYU-Stern Initiative on Purpose and Flourishing, a community of management scholars and practitioners committed to advancing the discovery of authentic meaning.</p><p>Suzy is a three-time <em>New York Times </em>bestselling author. Her highly anticipated book, <em>Becoming You: Crafting the Authentic Life You Want and Need</em>, will be published by Harper Busines<em>s</em> in May 2025. </p><p>Combining humorous storytelling with practical strategies, Suzy Welch helps teams and leaders develop the confidence, skills, and motivation to take their organizations to new heights.</p>

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Leadership expert, acclaimed business journalist, award-winning NYU Stern School of Business professor, tech entrepreneur

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The Future of Leadership: The Secret Behind the World’s Most Collaborative Cultures</strong></li><li>With five generations currently in the workforce, leaders are faced with the difficult challenge of building connectivity across their organizations. In this vibrant and memorable experience, Suzy Welch shares what it takes for leaders to create driven, collaborative, and cohesive teams prepared to succeed long-term. Your audience will be delighted to learn that the secret to a more connected culture already exists within their own organizations.</li><li>As a Senior Advisor with the Brunswick Group and a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, Suzy has unprecedented access to both Fortune 500 CEOs and the future leaders of the workforce. Told through relatable stories from the front lines of both camps, Suzy shows how the world’s top companies are bridging the gap between these often-disconnected generations.</li><li>Her goal is simple: To send your audience back into the world with actionable steps, confidence, and the motivation to become the leaders, collaborators, and communicators that will take your company to new heights.</li><li><strong>The Three R’s: A Framework to Thrive in the Future of Work</strong></li><li>By 2025, the World Economic Forum predicts that automation will displace over 85 million jobs. More than 50% of workers will require upskilling to prepare for changing roles. The rise of remote work will create fierce competition, and those without the appropriate skills will not have a home in the new economy.  </li><li>But it’s not all doom and gloom, says #1 New York Times bestselling author Suzy Welch. In this eye-opening yet encouraging conversation, Suzy reveals a playbook to take charge of your career and thrive in this fast-paced future of work.</li><li>Filled with authentic and humorous stories from her own journey, this transformational experience delivers innovative tactics that will leave you feeling ready to take action.</li><li>Using The Three R’s – Resilience, Reskilling, and Relationships – Suzy provides a powerful framework that you can apply to accelerate your career and improve your life.</li><li><strong>Wait, What Should I Be When I Grow Up (Again)?</strong></li><li>No one is going to disagree when you say these are crazy times, right? And the truth is, we are all trying to navigate a world which seems unprecedented in its lack of precedent. One consulting firm dubbed this “The Era of Permacrisis,” and along with the “ouch” that induces, it doesn’t feel wrong. Place in the middle of this, then, the challenge of creating a meaningful career – for those in your organization, and yourself. Drawing on the methodology developed for her immensely popular business school class, “Becoming You: Forging the Authentic Life You Want and Need,” Suzy Welch offers a new and positive way of thinking about how, when, and where we work.</li></ul>

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<p><span style="font-size: 14px;">Suzy Welch, Leadership Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</span></p>
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