Leadership motivation and achievement—from the boardroom to the battlefield—is all about rising to the occasion. Our leadership development speakers help you bring an empowering vision to your team and give you the tools to become an effective leader.

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Leadership & Achievement

Dr. Kien Vuu

Applying his scientifically-proven “Thrive State” longevity and performance framework to organizations, Dr. Kien Vuu helps corporate audiences unlock a future of empowered, innovative, resilient workforces, equipped to thrive amidst change and uncertainty.

Helen Wan

<p>Sharing anecdotes from her real-life experience as a young woman of color navigating the alien culture at a powerful law firm, Helen Wan provides insights and advice for chasing our ambition while also living authentically at work, and remaining true to ourselves and our values.</p><p>Helen Wan is an author and attorney. She writes, speaks, and consults on diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging, especially relating to women and minorities on the career ladder, and the complicated pursuit of success.

Magie Cook

<p>Sharing her extraordinary journey from impoverished orphan in Mexico to self-made millionaire to impactful philanthropist, Magie Cook inspires audiences around the world to face their biggest obstacles and achieve their greatest potential.</p><p>Magie Cook’s story captivates audiences around the world.

Sheryl Connelly

One of Forbes’ Leading Female Futurists and Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business, Sheryl Connelly helps business leaders think like futurists for resilience, performance, and growth through uncertainty.

All too often, companies are surprised by disruption. While no one can predict the future, many of these events can be anticipated. As a corporate futurist, Sheryl Connelly has nearly two decades of experience helping organizations prepare for disruption by building resilience into their business plans and strategies. 

Johnny Quinn

A trusted voice in resilience and change management, U.S. Olympian Johnny Quinn applies the tools and frameworks he developed as a pro athlete to help organizations accept risk, push through barriers, and to live and work with purpose.

Worry, stress and anxiety are at an all-time high for many organizations. Budgets are being cut and people are being asked to do more with less. It’s a tough outlook—unless you understand the future belongs to the resilient leader!

Rorke Denver

<p>A decorated U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, Rorke Denver applies lessons and strategies from some of the world’s most dangerous, high-risk situations to today’s tough corporate environment.</p><p>Commander Rorke Denver has run every phase of training for the SEALs and led special-forces missions in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and other international hot spots. His service in the SEALS earned him the Bronze Star with “V” for valorous action in combat.

April Rinne

<p>A top-ranked global futurist, April Rinne helps teams and individuals develop a “Flux Mindset”—the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.</p><p>Right now, humans’ ability to embrace all kinds of change, uncertainty, and not-knowing isn’t exceptional, but rather table stakes. Change is at the heart of responsible leadership, thriving culture, and effective communication.

Kyle Scheele

<p>With an authentic blend of humor and heart, Kyle Scheele provides teams and individuals with practical tools for boosting creativity, innovation, risk-taking and resilience. </p><p>Kyle Scheele has been called "the patron saint of crazy ideas.” Whether he&#39;s having a Viking funeral for the regrets of 21,000 people, hosting the world&#39;s first fake marathon, or gaining a million TikTok followers in just 25 hours, Kyle is always on the lookout for crazy ideas that produce wildly outsized outcomes.

Riaz Meghji

<p>Riaz Meghji helps organizations reach exponential growth by building extraordinary relationships, creating connected cultures, and retaining top talent.</p><p>Riaz Meghji is a human connection expert and author of the book <em>Every Conversation Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordinary Relationships</em>. His insights have been featured in <em>Fast Company</em>, <em>Harvard Business Review</em> and <em>Financial Post</em>.

Maja Kazazic

<p>Drawing from her incredible life-affirming story of resilience, Maja Kazazic shows organizations and individuals how to harness the power of empathy to turn loss into growth and surpass their greatest expectations. </p><p>When she was 16 years old, Maja Kazazic&#39;s life changed forever. In the summer of 1993, two years into the Bosnian War—a genocide that killed 250,000 people and injured millions—a rocket-propelled grenade exploded in her courtyard destroying her home and killing five of her friends. Her legs were shattered in the blast.