<p>A top-ranked global futurist, April Rinne helps teams and individuals develop a “Flux Mindset”—the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.</p><p>Right now, humans’ ability to embrace all kinds of change, uncertainty, and not-knowing isn’t exceptional, but rather table stakes. Change is at the heart of responsible leadership, thriving culture, and effective communication. Put another way, tolerance of uncertainty is the #1 skill we’ll need this year—and beyond.</p><p>April Rinne—a change navigator, advisor, investor, and adventurer with a Harvard Law degree and a background in finance—has been obsessed with this concept for almost 30 years. Her work and travels in more than 100 countries have given her a front-row seat to a world in flux, as well as a world of wisdom to navigate the unknown. She inspires organizations to embrace uncertainty, craft new responses, and ultimately reshape their relationship to the unknown from the inside out.</p><p>April is a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, a member of the Silicon Guild and Thinkers50 Radar, a Fulbright Scholar, and author of the international bestseller based on her innovative program--<em>Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change</em>.</p>

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One of <i>Forbes</i>’ Leading Female Futurists and Author of the Bestseller <i>Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change</i>

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change</strong></li><li>There’s an epidemic of change exhaustion, yet more change and uncertainty are ahead. When – and how – will this ever improve? Being adaptable and flexible have always been hallmarks of effective leadership, well-being, and a fulfilling life. But in a world of ever-more change, an ever-faster pace of change, and relentless uncertainty, flexibility and resilience can be stretched to their breaking points. A world in flux calls for a new mindset, one that treats constant change and uncertainty as a feature, not a bug. In this talk, April Rinne helps you open this mindset — a Flux Mindset — and develop eight “flux superpowers” that flip conventional ideas about leadership, success, and well-being on their heads. You’ll learn to see change in new ways, craft new responses, and ultimately reshape your relationship to uncertainty from the inside out.</li><li><strong>Healthcare in a World in Flux</strong></li><li>Perhaps no other sector has experienced more relentless change and uncertainty in recent years than healthcare. The Covid pandemic tested health systems to an unprecedented degree, yet that was just the beginning. Whether it’s business model pressures, workforce shortages, or patient expectations, healthcare is in constant overwhelm today. How do we learn to see this time as an opportunity to uplevel the sector? How can we help everyone working in healthcare to develop the essential skills to thrive in a world – and a future – in flux? In this keynote, April Rinne helps healthcare organizations identify their particular pain-points and provides clear, confidence-building strategies for seeing change differently. Employees who are in love with change are able to lead and motivate others more effectively, adopt new methods and technologies more quickly, and tolerate uncertainty – at work and in life – better. Increased trust will remove costs, improve patient outcomes as well as staff performance, and potentially flip industry dynamics.</li><li><strong>“Flux” Leadership: Finding Certainty in an Uncertain World</strong></li><li>Just because the future looks chaotic doesn’t mean your approach to it has to be. For leaders everywhere, success hinges not only on understanding the macro forces that will affect your business and team, but even more so on how you see these forces: Your mindset towards change and uncertainty and your tolerance of the unknown. Imagine the time, effort, or resources you could’ve saved if you’d seen the full implications of smartphones back in 2006, hybrid work back in 2015, the Covid pandemic before it hit, or generative AI today? Today, you can develop this vision – these superpowers and savviness – moving forward. Drawing on nearly 30 years of experience in 100+ countries as well as insights from her bestselling book, April helps audience see what they’ve been missing, overcome their stumbling blocks, and boost their capacity to harness uncertainty to their advantage.</li><li><strong>What the World Can Learn about Happiness from the World’s Happiest Country</strong></li><li>How might we learn from Finland about happiness, a skill they seem to possess in abundance?&#127467;&#127470; April’s Finnish roots put her in a unique position to share wisdom from the land of sisu — inner strength — and satisfaction. For the past six years running, Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world. Not only that, their lead over #2 Denmark and other countries appears to be growing. How is that possible? In this talk, April guides you through Finland’s culture and pillars of happiness, drawing on her personal Finnish heritage, global perspective, and unique experiences as a Finnish happiness coach and advising the Finnish government. Prepare to be surprised, refreshed, inspired – and able to find and maintain your own happiness better than ever before!</li></ul>

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The #1 leadership quality today is the ability to embrace and thrive in ambiguity.
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<p>April Rinne, Business Speaker, Keppler Speaker Bureau</p>
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