Our wellness and work-life balance speakers help create a healthy outlook and improve the corporate wellness of your organization. These expert speakers offer proven techniques and strategies for maintaining mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

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Wellness & Work-Life Balance
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Wellness & Work-Life Balance

Dr. Kien Vuu

Applying his scientifically-proven “Thrive State” longevity and performance framework to organizations, Dr. Kien Vuu helps corporate audiences unlock a future of empowered, innovative, resilient workforces, equipped to thrive amidst change and uncertainty.

April Rinne

<p>A top-ranked global futurist, April Rinne helps teams and individuals develop a “Flux Mindset”—the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.</p><p>Right now, humans’ ability to embrace all kinds of change, uncertainty, and not-knowing isn’t exceptional, but rather table stakes. Change is at the heart of responsible leadership, thriving culture, and effective communication.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau

<p>With her authentic style and trademark joie de vivre, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is an inspiring advocate for emotional literacy, equality and mental health—sharing anecdotes from her own personal journey.</p><p>As the former unofficial First Lady of Canada, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has been not only an illustrious role model on the public stage, but she has worked tirelessly to advocate for mental health, female empowerment, emotional literacy, gender equality and conscious leadership.</p><p>Combining insight from top psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, a

Hal Elrod

<p>Hal shares the power of habit and discipline based on his international bestseller The Miracle Morning which sold over 2.5 million copies, went viral and inspired an online movement. </p><p>Hal’s simple (but not-obvious) morning routine went viral and inspired a global movement.

Johnny Crowder

<p>Mental health CEO and entrepreneur Johnny Crowder tackles one of the most pressing strategic concerns in business today—employee wellbeing—and reveals keys to creating a better sense of belonging, headspace, and heartspace in the workplace.  </p><p>The founder and CEO of the globally-utilized, positive psychology startup Cope Notes, Johnny Crowder gives audiences practical self-care tools and mental health strategies that people can start using now to improve their emotional health and wellbeing.

Michelle Gielan

<p>Michelle Gielan has spent the past decade researching the link between happiness and success. She is the bestselling author of <i>Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change</i> and was named one of the Top 10 authors on resilience by the <i>Harvard Business Review</i>. </p><p>Michelle holds an advanced degree in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is an Executive Producer of <i>The Happiness Advantage </i>on PBS and a featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course.

Courtney Clark

<p>Courtney Clark helps teams adapt to change, embrace resilience and achieve more.</p><p>In her twenties, Courtney Clark was “the luckiest unlucky person in the world.” She survived both cancer and a brain aneurysm and then went on to build two successful businesses and to write two books—<i>The Giving Prescription</i> and <i>The Successful Struggle: Powerful Techniques to Achieve Accelerated Resilience</i>.

Elizabeth Lombardo

<p>Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo brings an unparalleled energy to stages around the globe by actively engaging audiences. Her knowledge in cutting-edge research, relatability, storytelling and humor provides entertainment and actionable strategies for attendees to create sustainable change.</p><p>Known as America’s most-trusted celebrity psychologist, Dr.

Chris Bashinelli

<p>For more than a decade National Geographic Explorer, Chris Bashinelli, better known as “Bash”, has traveled the world walking in other people’s shoes and discovering trying to better understand the human condition. </p><p>A passionate Mental Health advocate, Bash has studied Meditation and Mindfulness for more than a decade, since the death of his father.

Suneel Gupta

<p>Suneel Gupta asks audiences, leaders and teams: “How can an organization excel on the outside if its people are exhausted on the inside?”</p><p>As the founding CEO of RISE, a breakthrough wellness company, Suneel Gupta helped thousands of people build better habits for life and work. Now as a bestselling author and Harvard Medical School visiting scholar, Suneel has taken his mission one step further – helping people achieve sustainable peak performance by bolstering emotional resilience and engagement.