<p>Sterling Hawkins is an author, investor, entrepreneur, and keynote speaker who is globally recognized as a thought leader in organizational culture. Founder of the No Matter What Movement, he shows people how to practice trust to achieve the results they want regardless of obstacles.</p><p>Sterling developed his trust-powered success system to learn from the painful collapse of his multibillion-dollar startup involvement. He's since combined his business background, research, study and practice to come back and launch, invest in and grow more than 100 companies. He's taken that experience to work with C-level teams and leaders and speak on stages around the world. He's been featured in magazines like <em>Forbes, Fast Company, The New York Times</em> and <em>Inc.</em></p><p>He believes that the depth of your trust determines the extent of your growth and success in life and business. Getting results requires being brave, declaring big goals and stepping outside your comfort zone. To inspire people to unlock their own inherent potential, he shares five practices that help us push beyond our perceived limits to make a difference for our companies, communities and families. When he's not at home in Colorado, he may be out skydiving, swimming with sharks or adventuring with the No Matter What Movement.</p>

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Best-Selling Author | Globally Recognized Culture Growth Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Thought Leader | 1M+ No Matter What Movement

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<ul><li><strong>No Matter What – Thriving Through Change and Uncertainty</strong></li><li>Get unstuck and create a sure pathway to progress, regardless of the challenges </li><li>In a world permanently transformed by tech upheaval, competitive pressures, talent shortages, and global instability, change and uncertainty have never been more intense. But here’s the truth: change is constant, and it isn’t the enemy. It’s our approach to it that leaves us afraid of taking risks, struggling to adapt and limiting our progress.</li><li>Sterling Hawkins shares how he went from multi-billion dollar startup success story to bankruptcy to growth leader and advisor to hundreds of leading companies. The experiences, research and real-world testing shared in this ground-breaking keynote will help you break through your own challenges by reframing your relationship with change. Sterling’s proven framework cultivates a resilient growth mindset that thrives in uncertainty by empowering audiences to commit to real progress rather than burning out or becoming crushed by it. </li><li>With his No Matter What mantra, Sterling lights a fire within individuals and teams, uniting them to capitalize on their strengths. By fostering connection, breaking down silos, and empowering team members at every level to confront uncertainty, his system transforms any change into opportunity and any challenge into greater potential.</li><li><strong>True Leadership for Transformational Growth</strong></li><li>Realize the potential in yourself, your team and your organization with trust-driven leadership In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, there are few constants, leaving paralyzing uncertainty in its wake. It is the role of transformational leaders to build a clear foundation of what can be trusted, enabling growth and consistent success. </li><li>From over a decade of exploring myriad growth modalities, Sterling Hawkins introduces a revolutionary methodology for transformational leadership centered on trust. Instead of focusing solely on goals and tasks, this method orients us to the real work of growth, aligns us to our ultimate goals, and connects us with what matters most. Modeled by leaders, these principles become the ground upon which transformation takes place. In practice, the principles inspire teams, win moments of opportunity, deliver differentiated solutions, and unlock greater potential.</li><li>This paradigm shift not only reduces turnover and stimulates breakthrough approaches, but also resonates positively with partners, clients, and stakeholders. Embracing trust-driven leadership doesn’t just improve the bottom line; this proven approach enhances the workplace and shapes the very essence of the organization. </li></ul>

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<p>Sterling Hawkins, Leadership Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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