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Customer Experience

Jason Dorsey

<p>Called a “Research Guru” by <em>Adweek</em>, Jason Dorsey delivers original, high-energy research and engaging presentations on crossing the generational divide in business.</p><p>Jason Dorsey is the #1 speaker and researcher on crossing the generational divide in business. He’s received over 1,000 standing ovations for his unexpected research-based discoveries and trademark high-energy speaking style.

Sterling Hawkins

<p>Sterling Hawkins is an author, investor, entrepreneur, and keynote speaker who is globally recognized as a thought leader in organizational culture. Founder of the No Matter What Movement, he shows people how to practice trust to achieve the results they want regardless of obstacles.</p><p>Sterling developed his trust-powered success system to learn from the painful collapse of his multibillion-dollar startup involvement. He's since combined his business background, research, study and practice to come back and launch, invest in and grow more than 100 companies.

John Jantsch

<p>One of the country’s leading authorities in small-business marketing, John Jantsch empowers organizations of all sizes to strategize and build lasting relationships that drive growth and streamline operations. </p><p>For 30 years, John has been a trusted advisor to small and medium-sized businesses across the United States, specializing in marketing strategy, consultancy, and advertising. His expertise has led to the publication of seven books, including the bestselling <em>The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself</em>.

Brittany Hodak

<p>An award-winning entrepreneur, author, and customer experience speaker who has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations including American Express and the United Nations. <em>Forbes</em> wrote of her debut book, <em>Creating Superfans</em>, “If you have customers, you need this book. Period.”</p><p>Brittany is the former Chief Experience Officer of Experience.com.

Chris Barton

<p>Chris Barton wanted a way to identify songs he was hearing everywhere around him. There wasn’t one – so he invented an app called Shazam. Chris’s creation is nothing short of pure magic. That was his goal. Chris seeks to delight people by using technology to make seemingly impossible ideas come to life. </p><p>Not just the founder and first CEO of Shazam, which Apple acquired for $400 million, Chris also holds 12 patents and played key roles in the early days of Google and Dropbox. Despite having dyslexia, incredibly, he didn’t let that get in his way.

Jesse Cole

<p>One look at the bright yellow tuxedo and it’s no surprise to learn that Jesse Cole patterns his business success after some of America’s greatest out-of-the-box thinkers: from PT Barnum and baseball’s Bill Veeck to Walt Disney. The owner of the Savannah Bananas—the same pumped-up, yellow-clad showman running through baseball crowds—believes success comes from standing out and being different.</p><p>Cole is passionate about creating attention, loving your customers more than your product, and loving your employees more than your customers.

Sara Riis-Carstensen

<p>With an acclaimed career spanning some of the world’s most iconic brands, including her role as the strategic driver behind LEGO’s brand supremacy, Sara Riis-Carstensen shares how creative, disruptive—and happy—teams are a blueprint for success.</p><p>Armed with a wealth of experience from roles at companies such as Carlsberg, Giorgio Armani, De Beers, and currently Lufthansa, Sara Riis-Carstensen possesses a unique perspective on the intricacies of brand strategy and premium brand positioning.

Ross Shafer

<p>Ross Shafer has the most intriguingly unconventional comedy and business career of any speaker on leading through change, reinvention, and resilience. </p><p>Ross’s funny and energetic style was honed as a headlining comedian and host of TV’s <em>Match Game</em> (ABC), <em>The Late Show </em>(FOX), <em>Almost Live!</em> (NBC and Comedy Central) and <em>Love Me, Love Me Not</em> (USA).

Erin King

<p>Erin is an award-winning entrepreneur who helps ambitious achievers unlock their Big Deal Energy® for more ambition, alignment, and aliveness.</p><p>Erin King is the world’s leading personal energy management expert. As Chief Energy Officer of Strikepoint Media (which was twice named one of Inc.

Dan Heath

<p><em>NYT Times Bestselling Author</em>, Dan Heath offers a breadth of expertise to teach audiences at any level how to lead successful change, make communication stickier, and improve their decision-making skills.</p><p>Dan Heath is the co-author, along with his brother Chip, of four long-running bestsellers: <em>Made to Stick</em>,<em> Switch</em>, <em>Decisive</em>, and <em>The Power of Moments</em>. The Heath Brothers’ books have sold over three million copies worldwide and been translated into 33 languages.