Riaz Meghji

<p>Riaz Meghji helps organizations reach exponential growth by building extraordinary relationships, creating connected cultures, and retaining top talent.</p><p>Riaz Meghji is a human connection expert and author of the book <em>Every Conversation Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordinary Relationships</em>. His insights have been featured in <em>Fast Company</em>, <em>Harvard Business Review</em> and <em>Financial Post</em>.

Sterling Hawkins

<p>Sterling Hawkins is an author, investor, entrepreneur, and keynote speaker who is globally recognized as a thought leader in organizational culture. Founder of the No Matter What Movement, he shows people how to practice trust to achieve the results they want regardless of obstacles.</p><p>Sterling developed his trust-powered success system to learn from the painful collapse of his multibillion-dollar startup involvement. He's since combined his business background, research, study and practice to come back and launch, invest in and grow more than 100 companies.

Brittany Hodak

<p>An award-winning entrepreneur, author, and customer experience speaker who has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations including American Express and the United Nations. <em>Forbes</em> wrote of her debut book, <em>Creating Superfans</em>, “If you have customers, you need this book. Period.”</p><p>Brittany is the former Chief Experience Officer of Experience.com.

Jesse Cole

<p>One look at the bright yellow tuxedo and it’s no surprise to learn that Jesse Cole patterns his business success after some of America’s greatest out-of-the-box thinkers: from PT Barnum and baseball’s Bill Veeck to Walt Disney. The owner of the Savannah Bananas—the same pumped-up, yellow-clad showman running through baseball crowds—believes success comes from standing out and being different.</p><p>Cole is passionate about creating attention, loving your customers more than your product, and loving your employees more than your customers.

Sara Riis-Carstensen

<p>With an acclaimed career spanning some of the world’s most iconic brands, including her role as the strategic driver behind LEGO’s brand supremacy, Sara Riis-Carstensen shares how creative, disruptive—and happy—teams are a blueprint for success.</p><p>Armed with a wealth of experience from roles at companies such as Carlsberg, Giorgio Armani, De Beers, and currently Lufthansa, Sara Riis-Carstensen possesses a unique perspective on the intricacies of brand strategy and premium brand positioning.

Erin King

<p>Erin is an award-winning entrepreneur who helps ambitious achievers unlock their Big Deal Energy® for more ambition, alignment, and aliveness.</p><p>Erin King is the world’s leading personal energy management expert. As Chief Energy Officer of Strikepoint Media (which was twice named one of Inc.

Kate O'Neill

<p>Digital transformation expert and pioneer Kate O’Neill shares her “Tech Humanist” enthusiasm for the power of data, automation, AI and human-centric design to help businesses thrive—and improve lives—at scale.</p><p>A warm, relatable tech futurist with 25 years of experience and entrepreneurship in data-based business models, integrated experience strategy and human-centric digital transformation, Kate O’Neill leverages the “positive energy” and “contagious enthusiasm” she is known for to help organizations face the unknown with optimism and make strategic decisions in

Sheila Heen

<p>With two New York Times bestsellers and a 20-year career with the world-renowned Harvard Negotiation Project, Sheila Heen is an authority on how to have difficult conversations successfully—where emotions run high and relationships become strained.  </p><p>As Harvard Law School professor and a founder of Triad Consulting Group, Heen shares how to improve the skill of receiving feedback—a change she says that is essential to learning, collaboration, innovation and sound decision-making in your organization.

Ken Schmidt

The former Director of Communications for Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Ken Schmidt has advised executive leaders of many of the world’s best-known brands, delivered more than one thousand keynote presentations, written two best-selling books and created a popular business podcast.

It’s an impersonal world, where so many products and services are seen as easily-replaced, indistinct commodities. Whether you stand out or get lost in the crowd is a choice. A mindset.

Stefan Olander

<p>One of the world’s foremost brand innovators, Stefan Olander helped make Nike the sports and fashion icon it is today—and then launched one of <em>Fast Company’</em>s Most Innovative Companies, gravity sportswear company OMORPHO.</p><p>A former Vice President of Advertising and Vice President of Global Digital Innovation, Stefan’s remarkable 21-year career at Nike included multiple cutting-edge global initiatives, including the revolutionary Nike+ experience developed in partnership with Apple, which took the concept of wearable technology mainstream. </p