<p>Linda Bernardi believes the impact of digital disruption is a huge positive for today’s business organizations. With highly engaged discussions, Linda raises the comfort level audiences have with embracing disruptive technologies. She shares an enthusiastic outlook on how a wide range of sectors such as finance, retail, manufacturing, and healthcare can futureproof their business and thrive in the disruptive economy.  </p><p>Linda is a serial high-tech entrepreneur and one of the pioneers of IoT and the emerging hyperconnected world. She discusses the benefit of adopting emerging technologies in today’s consumer driven, “Know Me” economy. Linda is currently a Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company Worldwide. Previously, she was Chief Innovation Officer at IBM where she helped IBM’s Fortune 100 clients effectively transform and disrupt their businesses, then moved on to hold executive positions in AI, Blockchain, and crypto-currency companies. </p><p>She shows audiences how emerging innovations, such as AI (machine learning, deep learning), IoT, Big Data, blockchain, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) can change the trajectory of their business. Equally, through her first best-seller book <i>ProVoke</i>, Linda discusses the importance of culture in helping companies disrupt and innovate.</p><p>In February 2020, she was recognized in <i>Smart Manufacturing</i> magazine as one of the top women in Smart Engineering in 2020. </p><p>Linda is working with companies in all sectors to INVERT their mindset and offerings. As author of the Amazon best-seller <i>The Inversion Factor: How to Thrive in the IoT Economy </i>(MIT Press 2017) , Linda shares with audiences how to abandon the ‘product-first’ model and capitalize on a ‘customer-need’ model, driven by customer data and how to Future Proof their businesses. On stage, Linda focuses on how companies like Amazon, Airbnb, Uber, and Netflix all saw the opportunity to leverage disruptive innovation, reinvent their future, and futureproof their business.</p>

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Digital disruption strategist and former IBM Chief Innovation Officer and Watson Co-Lead

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Invent Your Future: <i>Futureproof YOUR</i> Business by Embracing Disruptive Technologies</strong></li><li>Linda Bernardi takes a deep-dive into the emergence of today’s consumer-driven “Know-Me” economy and the trends surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI), The Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and crypto technologies. She raises her audience’s comfort level with digital disruption and sparks optimism in the idea of futureproofing your business. Her focus is to engage you in a positive way with these transformational technologies. As author of the Amazon best-seller, The Inversion Factor: How to Thrive in the IoT Economy, Linda shares with audiences how to abandon the ‘product-first’ model and capitalize on a ‘customer-need’ model, as Netflix and many others have done. </li><li>Linda’s talks are a tour de force for audiences ranging from healthcare, retail, and insurance to financial, defense, and manufacturing. Linda’s enthusiasm will inspire your audience with optimism, empowering your organization to futureproof your business in an increasingly disruptive, hyper-connected world.</li><li><strong><i>Futureproof</i> <i>YOUR</i> business: Leveraging AI, IoT, and Big Data in the Financial Sector</strong></li><li>The financial industry is experiencing game-changing disruption from AI and IoT, as well as Big Data and predictive analytics. Linda Bernardi illustrates how traditional financial models are being pushed aside in today’s consumer-driven “Know Me” economy by technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrency. She discusses how digital disruption is literally overhauling the mobile consumer’s banking expectations. A serial high-tech entrepreneur and best-selling serial author on these topics, Linda brings financial audiences a powerful message of futureproofing that applies to financial institutions, asset management associations, reinsurance, and the mortgage industry. </li><li>As Chief Innovation Officer at IBM and Watson Co-Lead, Linda is ideally qualified in how to leverage disruptive innovation. Her enthusiasm will inspire your audience to feel comfortable with disruption, empowering them to futureproof their business as disruptive technologies continue to shape the financial industry. </li><li><strong>How Technological Disruption Will Reshape Healthcare</strong></li><li>The healthcare industry is traditionally resistant to technological change and disruptions. However, AI, blockchain, and the resulting technological shifts are turning healthcare on its head. From intelligent robotics, personalized medicine, and compliance monitoring to immersion technology, predictive monitoring, and IoT-enabled services, Linda Bernardi discusses inversion technologies like blockchain and AI and their impact on traditional models of research, patient data, clinical trials, and drug approval. While hospitals aim for higher revenues, patients require more transparency. Patient portals are one response, but are portals enough? Linda says the hospital landscape of the near future must align with today’s consumer-driven “Know Me” economy. </li><li><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);">As Chief Innovation Officer at IBM and Watson Co-Lead, Linda is ideally qualified in how to leverage disruptive innovation.</span> Her enthusiasm will inspire your audience to feel comfortable with disruption, empowering them to futureproof their business as disruptive technologies continue to reshape the healthcare industry.</li><li><strong>Disrupt OR Die: Why Disruption and Innovation is a Must, Not an Option!</strong></li><li>Disruption is the key ingredient for innovation. Without disruption there is no innovation. Innovation is no longer an option. Across the board, all industries, are faced with immediate and meaningful innovation requirements, in order to exceed the expectations of their clients, to be ahead of competition and in order to thrive. In this keynote, Linda will explore the essential ingredients of disruption, blockers and success factors, key technologies to consider and how to meaningfully invert one’s business: to build products and service not only meet client needs (across industries) but to enhance their experiences. Linda will explore what key obstacles, tactics for impactful disruption and how to lead in the INVERSION game. She will be referencing my two books, first one ProVoke (regarding Disruption) and second book The Inversion Factor (regarding Inversion) and decades of experience and current ongoing projects, directly dealing with disruption.</li></ul>

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<p><b>Futureproof your business with this Digital Disruption Strategist and Former IBM Chief Innovation Officer and Watson Co-Lead</b></p>
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<p>Linda Bernardi, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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