Samantha Radocchia

<p>Blockchain pioneer, builder, four-time startup entrepreneur at the intersection of emerging technology and cultural trends.</p><p>Samantha Radocchia ("Sam Rad") is a reformed gamer who started studying virtual currencies in 2009 while writing her anthropology thesis on currency exchanges in the virtual world <i>Second Life</i>. Since then, she has founded four companies, holds several patents, and was an early and outspoken voice in blockchain as the co-founder of Chronicled, an enterprise blockchain company focused on supply chains.

John Rossman

<p>John Rossman is a former Amazon executive who provides techniques and strategies for audiences to apply to their business</p><p>Rossman is most known for launching and scaling the Amazon Marketplace, which Jeff Bezos called “one of his magical businesses,” accounting for over 50% of all Amazon units sold and shipped.

Linda Bernardi

<p>Linda Bernardi believes the impact of digital disruption is a huge positive for today’s business organizations. With highly engaged discussions, Linda raises the comfort level audiences have with embracing disruptive technologies. She shares an enthusiastic outlook on how a wide range of sectors such as finance, retail, manufacturing, and healthcare can futureproof their business and thrive in the disruptive economy.  </p><p>Linda is a serial high-tech entrepreneur and one of the pioneers of IoT and the emerging hyperconnected world.

Theresa Payton

<p>One of the nation’s most prominent cybersecurity authorities, Theresa Payton shows audiences how to be future-ready and secure—especially as advancements in artificial intelligence are reshaping cybercrime as we know it.</p><p>An inventor and visionary in the digital world, a U.S. patent holder, and the first female White House CIO, a two-time company founder and CEO, Theresa Payton, was named one of the “Top 50 Women in Tech” by <em>Award Magazine</em> in 2021.