John Rossman

<p>John Rossman is a former Amazon executive who provides techniques and strategies for audiences to apply to their business</p><p>Rossman is most known for launching and scaling the Amazon Marketplace, which Jeff Bezos called “one of his magical businesses,” accounting for over 50% of all Amazon units sold and shipped. Rossman also served as Director of Enterprise Services at under CEO Jeff Bezos, where he managed worldwide services to enterprise clients such as, Marks and Spencer, and the National Basketball Association (NBA).</p><p>Since leaving Amazon, Rossman has advised clients across most industry verticals on innovation, digital strategy, and culture as Managing Partner of Rossman Partners. Offering guidance through the maze of challenges and options, Rossman is adept at finding the business strategy for businesses of all sizes. His approach helps audiences tackle the technology, business and internal challenges in innovating with the internet of things and their digital business strategy. </p><p>John Rossman is the author of three books on competing in the digital era. <em>The Amazon Way: Amazon’s 14 Leadership Principles</em> is now in its third edition (2021).<em> Think Like Amazon: 50 1/2 Ideas to Become a Digital Leader</em> was published by McGraw Hill in 2019, and <em>The Amazon Way on IoT: 10 Lessons Every Leader Should Learn from Amazon’s Internet of Things Strategy</em>, which was published in 2016. Rossman has delivered keynotes to all types of businesses, associations, healthcare, and government. Each of his keynotes is full of thought-provoking principles and tactics and will leave each participant will practical takeaways to put into practice</p>

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Digital and Innovation Advisor, Former Amazon Executive, and Author of <em>The Amazon Way</em>

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Think Like Amazon about - The Future of Your Industry<span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"></strong></span></li><li>What is the future of your industry? It is a question that leaders must ask themselves often. But what are the right questions to ask, what metrics should be used, how is our industry going to be disrupted? All of these questions will be answered by former Amazon Executive John Rossman. John launched and scaled their third-party platform which today account for over 50% of Amazon’s business. By leveraging many of the ideas from Think Like Amazon, Rossman will propose several aspects of your industry which will likely change and leave audiences with strategies, tools, and questions to help create this future.</li><li><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"><strong></span>Think Like Amazon about — Artificial Intelligence<span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"></strong></span></li><li>How might artificial intelligence and machine learning impact your industry and business model? What are the indicators that it’s already underway? How do we make innovation a vital part of how we operate? How do we get started? In this speech, Rossman will outline how AI is already impacting businesses, best practices on the management of innovation in the enterprise, the “actions of no regrets” we should all take in preparation and leave the audience with practical actions to take to create your AI-driven business. </li><li><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"><strong></span>Think Like Amazon about — Strategy and Corporate Culture<span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"></strong></span></li><li>Amazon is a fierce competitor, systematic innovator and creating a dramatic change in many industries. How does Amazon think about and create the playbook of strategy, operational excellence, and innovation? What can you learn from them and apply into your business? In John Rossman’s signature leadership keynote, he will reveal and unpack the secrets of Amazon’s unparalleled growth and how the company’s culture has driven innovation and growth. From Think Like Amazon: 50 ½ Ideas to Become a Digital Leader, audiences are leaning forward, taking notes and inspired with strategies and tools to innovate and lead.</li><li><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"><strong></span>Think Like Amazon about- Innovation<span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"></strong></span></li><li>Leaders at Amazon expect and require innovation and invention from their teams. They are externally aware and look for new ideas everywhere. Amazon has a thrilling power to innovate that few other companies have matched. But how does Amazon continue to innovate and outperform the competition? Through a systematic approach and a deep understanding of what it means to be digital, Amazon has created a culture and system that continues to outperform everyone else. Former Amazon executive turned digital strategy consultant John Rossman will leverage ideas from his book “TLA” to show how all companies and organization are capable of innovating at the same level as Amazon.</li><li><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"><strong></span>The Amazon Way™ on IOT<span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 60);"></strong></span></li><li>From John Rossman’s book The Amazon Way™: 10 Lessons Every Leader Should Learn from Amazon’s IoT Strategy, the former Amazon executive unpacks how connected devices will transform industries and businesses, and what leaders should do to take advantage. Rossman will look at how connected devices will revolutionize how business is done and change the marketplace. This speech will give leaders from all types of businesses a blueprint on how to leverage connected devices for the future of their business. </li></ul>

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<p>The former director of Marketplace and Enterprise Services for Amazon provides organizations the insights they can use immediately to innovate and develop a winning digital strategy. </p>
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<p>John Rossman, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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