<p>In 2014<i> Fortune Magazine</i> named Peter Diamandis as one of the World&#39;s 50 Greatest Leaders.</p>

<p>Diamandis is the Founder & Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, which leads the world in designing and operating large-scale incentive competitions. He is also the Executive Founder of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that counsels the world&#39;s leaders on exponentially growing technologies.</p>

<p>As an entrepreneur, Diamandis has started 20+ companies in the areas of longevity, space, venture capital and education. Diamandis is a <i>New York Times</i> Bestselling author of two books: <i>Abundance</i> & <i>BOLD</i>. He earned degrees in Molecular Genetics and Aerospace Engineering from the MIT, and holds an M.D. from Harvard Medical School.</p>

<p>Peter’s favorite saying is “the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.” </p>

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Authority on Innovation Competitions, Founder of the X PRIZE & Best-selling Author

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Longevity Breakthroughs: How Exponential Technologies are Extending the Healthy Human Lifespan – or – Making 100 Years Old, the New 60!</strong></li><li>Dr. Diamandis is the co-Author of the NYTimes #1 best-seller <em>LIFE FORCE</em>.</li><li>In this talk, Diamandis discusses how exponential advances in biotech, imaging, sensors, and artificial intelligence are enabling us to add decades onto our healthspan, making 100 years old the new 60.</li><li>Diamandis provides an understandable and inspiring overview of technologies like genome sequencing, RNA transcriptomics, Wnt pathway modifiers, vaccines, CRISPR/Gene Therapy, liquid biopsies, CAR-T cells, exosomes, and stem cells, and how these technologies are enabling a healthcare revolution.</li><li>Diamandis delivers a compelling vision of the future of healthcare, one in which we achieve personalized, preventive medicine, and predictive treatments. And one in which society moves healthcare out of the hospitals and doctor&#39;s offices into the home.</li><li>The Longevity Keynote Will Cover topics such as:<ul><li>CRISPR & Gene Therapy Curing Genetic and Chronic Disease</li><li>Epigenetic Reprogramming and Age-Reversal’</li><li>Organ and Tissue Regeneration</li><li>Gene Sequencing: Decoding the Body, Finding Cancer</li><li>Artificial Intelligence in Radiology and Drug Discovery</li><li>Advanced Diagnostics catching disease at Stage-0</li><li>Stem Cells and Cellular Therapies</li><li>Senolytic Medicines</li><li>The ethical, Economic and Societal Implications of Longevity</li></ul></li><li><strong>META-TRENDS – THE FUTURE IS FASTER THAN YOU THINK</strong></li><li>Technology is accelerating far more quickly than anyone could have imagined. During the next decade, we will create more wealth than we have in the past hundred years. We will also experience more upheaval than ever before.</li><li>During this gripping and insightful keynote, Diamandis outlines a road map to our near future, describing how wave after wave of exponentially accelerating technologies will impact both our daily lives and every company. What happens as AI, robotics, and virtual reality crash into 3D printing, blockchain, and global gigabit networks? How will these convergences transform today’s biggest industries? How will this change the way we raise our kids, govern our nations, and care for our planet?</li><li>Diamandis will also explain why the rate of technological acceleration is, itself, accelerating. He will examine a number of Meta-trends, as desired by the event, from among the following list of 10 Meta-Trends:<ul><li>Increasing global abundance</li><li>Accelerating Demonetization & Democratization</li><li>Everyone, everywhere is connected at gigabit speeds</li><li>Everything, everywhere is connected (IoT/IoE)</li><li>You can know anything, anytime, anywhere</li><li>Autonomous personalized transport (fast + cheap)</li><li>Increasing Human Intelligence (AI Support + BCI)</li><li>Increasing Human Longevity “Healthspan”</li><li>Capital Abundance: Access to capital everywhere</li><li>Globally Abundant Cheap Renewable Energy</li></ul></li></ul>

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<p><b>Authority on Innovation Competitions, Founder of the X PRIZE & Best-selling Author</b></p>
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