<p>A thought leader at the very epicenter of today’s technological revolutions in Silicon Valley, Peter Leyden brilliantly explains new technologies like generative artificial intelligence and other megatrends driving fundamental system changes through the 2020s, so businesses can confidently and responsibly enter this new era. </p><p>As <em>WIRED</em> magazine’s managing editor and the author of two highly influential big idea books about the future—<em>The Long Boom and What’s Next</em>—Peter Leyden helped introduce the world to every stage of the digital revolution. His work inspired the generation of startup founders who rewrote the rules of business, ushering in the era of constant innovation.</p><p>Today, Leyden remains at the forefront of technological change, uniquely positioned to help audiences understand the world-historic developments in artificial intelligence, as well as comparable breakthroughs in bioengineering and clean energy. Leyden hosts <em>The Great Progression</em> series of exclusive events at ground zero in San Francisco, convening many of the leading experts in the tech and innovation economy to explore key questions surrounding Generative AI—like what are the real implications, the positive possibilities, and the actual risks.</p><p>Leyden is a serial entrepreneur who founded and ran two of his own startups, so he deeply understands the challenges of businesses in the real world. He’s now the founder of the strategic foresight firm Reinvent Futures that tracks trends from science to economics, demographics to geopolitics. He advises senior leaders of top organizations on what’s probably coming in the decade ahead, what’s possible to achieve in the long-term, and what they should do now. </p><p>Leyden also is a master storyteller who takes what he is constantly learning in rapidly-moving fields and clearly squeezes down what everyone needs to know. He informs, entertains and inspires audiences with his largely positive take on the future, using dazzling images and powerful infographics filled with the latest data to help illustrate his big-picture ideas.</p><p>In his captivating and can-do keynote talks, Leyden helps businesses and individuals understand how AI and other new technologies and major trends could impact their organizations, drive economic growth, reshape societies, improve lives, and lead to a better world. </p>

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Futurist, tech expert, strategic foresight advisor, former <i>WIRED</i> managing editor & serial entrepreneur

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The AI Age Begins: Real Implications, Positive Possibilities & Actual Risks</strong></li><li>The arrival of Generative AI marks the beginning of a new age of artificial intelligence. This nascent technology is already impacting industries across the economy, and has the potential to dramatically boost productivity and economic growth across America and the world. This new super-tool could transform fields from education (individual tutors for all kids) to healthcare (personalized medicine for everyone). Intelligent machines could augment human intelligence in ways that could help solve our most complex challenges—like climate change. But this extraordinary tool in the wrong hands could also bring risks, so we must be realistic and responsible.</li><li>No one is better positioned than Peter Leyden to help us understand the implications of Gen AI because he hosts one of the most influential event series about AI at ground zero in San Francisco that convenes many of the leading experts in the world today. In this keynote, Leyden helps audiences think through the many positive possibilities as well as the actual risks that new AI technologies could bring to our economy and our society in the 2020s as well as in the next 25 years. With an optimistic—yet realistic—approach, Leyden gives businesses and individuals the confidence to assess, strategize, and responsibly move forward into this new age.</li><li><strong>The Great Progression: The Story of America & the World from 2025 to 2050</strong></li><li>The Great Progression makes the case that America and the world are heading into a decade of many fundamental system changes that will lay the foundation for a new era of great progress that will go a long way towards solving the many challenges of our time like climate change. This transformation will include three world-historic tech booms in Artificial Intelligence, in Clean Energy and in Bioengineering. The next 10 years will be the critical time of transition as many systems that defined the last 40 years break down and fade away, while new systems better suited to the 21st century emerge and then scale.</li><li>This is Peter Leyden’s signature talk that tells the comprehensive story of our times and the next 25 years. This generally positive, can-do narrative goes well beyond explaining new technologies and weaves together megatrends from demographics to economics to geopolitics that will transform our world in fundamental ways too. Far from a gloom and doom future, Leyden argues that these inexorable developments are moving us to a better world in the decades ahead. </li></ul>

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<p><b>Founder of Reinvent, this Silicon Valley tech futurist, CEO and former <i>WIRED</i> magazine managing editor expertly reveals how revolutionary technological advances will impact business and industry.</b></p>
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Peter Leyden, Technology Expert, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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