<p>Kaplan Mobray is one of the world’s most dynamic and inspirational business speakers and best-selling author of <i>The 10Ks of Personal Branding</i>. </p><p>An innovative mastermind, Kaplan has inspired and transformed countless lives through his insightful and groundbreaking approach to personal branding and leadership development. Kaplan inspires audiences with practical strategies, “ah-ha moments”, that powerfully create real results to immediately elevate one’s career and improve one’s life.  </p><p>A highly sought after, vibrant and energetic speaker, professional musician, and entrepreneur Kaplan Mobray learned early in his career that “to master quality of life you must first master quality of effort”. He uses this personal philosophy to develop his extraordinarily creative insights and unique presentation content. Wharton-educated, Kaplan draws from his over 15 years of corporate experience as a successful business executive where he led corporate marketing, advertising, and brand development initiatives for Fortune 500 companies. Through his unconventional and innovative presentation style he teaches organizations how to transform their business, increase their brand reputation and motivates individuals to become effective leaders at all levels.</p><p>Kaplan has received worldwide acclaim and numerous awards for his leadership and branding insights. He has been featured on CNN, FOX, <i>Businessweek</i>, <i>The Wall Street Journa</i>l, <i>Ad Age</i> and shared his message to NFL players at Super Bowls forty-four and forty-five. Through his latest venture Kaplan is revolutionizing high performance online learning with his virtual interactive Kaplan Mobray Leadership Institute. All of his innovative presentations have been described as life changing events.</p>

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Preeminent Leadership Coach and Motivation Expert; Acclaimed Author of <em>The 10Ks of Personal Branding </em>

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The 10K’s Of Personal Branding: How to Maximize Your Personal and Professional Brand to Elevate Your Career</strong></li><li>Ever wonder when you leave a room what people say about you? For many of us, there’s a gap between how we think we’re perceived and how others actually see us. At a time when many of us are soul-searching and experiencing unprecedented change, having an identifiable brand greatly impacts how the world views us. People who make themselves positively memorable are the ones who are most often hired, promoted, valued and positioned for the opportunity.</li><li>As you look to be more productive in your job, get promoted, gain new clients, keep clients or possibly change careers, ask yourself—what are you doing to make yourself positively memorable? How can you polish your style to make an impression that reflects the real you and positions you for career success? Hailed as electrifying and thought-provoking, this session, based on Kaplan’s best-selling book, The 10Ks of Personal Branding offers case studies and exercises that will help you identify your strengths and passions and create a brand for yourself that is positive and unique and positions you to excel in your career. Audience participants will be inspired to think about themselves in a totally new way and learn techniques on how to leave a positive impression that builds career success and life focus. It is a life-changing event!</li><li><strong>The 10Ls of Leadership: Maximizing Your Leadership Qualities to become a Leader Others Want to Follow</strong></li><li>This electrifying and inspiring keynote presents ten principles for leadership excellence at all levels. As the demands of the modern-day leader require a focus on building a high-performance culture, it is critical that leaders create future leaders to drive growth and harness innovation to maintain a competitive advantage for their organization.</li><li>This presentation challenge participants to understand their unique leadership qualities in the absence of a role or title. Kaplan delivers an energetic and thought-provoking call to action to help leaders elevate their influence, become more strategic thinkers, embrace accountability, leverage disruption and change for growth, and learn tools to drive operational excellence in how they engage with their team.</li><li>People-centered leaders become the leader’s others want to follow. Hailed as a life-changing event, Kaplan will teach techniques to elevate your audience to new levels of performance excellence and inspire a team culture where everyone is empowered to lead and motivated to be the change that transforms your organization to win.</li></ul><p><br></p>

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Executive Coach, Best-Selling Author, and Personal Branding Expert
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Kaplan Mobray, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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