Kathy Varol

<p>An expert at driving profit with purpose, Kathy Varol shares the proven guidelines she used to create a record-shattering ESG strategy for Adidas. </p><p>Kathy Varol knows the secret to helping companies stand out in a competitive marketplace, attract top talent, drive employee engagement, and gain enviable customer loyalty: It’s harnessing the power of Purpose.</p><p>She knows that as consumers, we&#39;re putting our dollars toward companies with aligned values.

John Jantsch

<p>One of the country’s leading authorities in small-business marketing, John Jantsch empowers organizations of all sizes to strategize and build lasting relationships that drive growth and streamline operations. </p><p>For 30 years, John has been a trusted advisor to small and medium-sized businesses across the United States, specializing in marketing strategy, consultancy, and advertising. His expertise has led to the publication of seven books, including the bestselling <em>The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself</em>.

Jesse Cole

<p>One look at the bright yellow tuxedo and it’s no surprise to learn that Jesse Cole patterns his business success after some of America’s greatest out-of-the-box thinkers: from PT Barnum and baseball’s Bill Veeck to Walt Disney. The owner of the Savannah Bananas—the same pumped-up, yellow-clad showman running through baseball crowds—believes success comes from standing out and being different.</p><p>Cole is passionate about creating attention, loving your customers more than your product, and loving your employees more than your customers.

Camille Vasquez

<p>As an NBC News Legal Analyst and renowned attorney, Camille Vasquez is sought after for her critical insights and perspective on today’s most high-profile legal cases. </p><p>Many people around the world were consumed by the high-profile nature of the Johnny Depp defamation case, but it’s the behind-the-scenes stories that are both riveting and enlightening.

Kaplan Mobray

<p>Kaplan Mobray is one of the world’s most dynamic and inspirational business speakers and best-selling author of <i>The 10Ks of Personal Branding</i>. </p><p>An innovative mastermind, Kaplan has inspired and transformed countless lives through his insightful and groundbreaking approach to personal branding and leadership development. Kaplan inspires audiences with practical strategies, “ah-ha moments”, that powerfully create real results to immediately elevate one’s career and improve one’s life.  </p><p>A highly sought after, vibrant and energeti

Molly Bloom

<p>Molly Bloom is an entrepreneur and the best-selling author of <i>Molly’s Game,</i> a story that inspired a best-picture nomination, written and directed by Aaron Sorkin.

Ken Schmidt

The former Director of Communications for Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Ken Schmidt has advised executive leaders of many of the world’s best-known brands, delivered more than one thousand keynote presentations, written two best-selling books and created a popular business podcast.

It’s an impersonal world, where so many products and services are seen as easily-replaced, indistinct commodities. Whether you stand out or get lost in the crowd is a choice. A mindset.

Stefan Olander

<p>One of the world’s foremost brand innovators, Stefan Olander helped make Nike the sports and fashion icon it is today—and then launched one of <em>Fast Company’</em>s Most Innovative Companies, gravity sportswear company OMORPHO.</p><p>A former Vice President of Advertising and Vice President of Global Digital Innovation, Stefan’s remarkable 21-year career at Nike included multiple cutting-edge global initiatives, including the revolutionary Nike+ experience developed in partnership with Apple, which took the concept of wearable technology mainstream. </p

Guy Kawasaki

<p>Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva, an online graphic design tool. He is a brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz and an executive fellow of the Haas School of Business (UC Berkeley).</p>

William Espey

<p>The multi-award-winning visionary behind Chipotle, William Espey shares his recipe for connecting authentically and powerfully with customers and employees.</p><p>William Espey is a branding expert known for his pivotal role in creating and developing one of the most significant and successful brands of the last quarter century—Chipotle Mexican Grill. As the company’s “brand voice” for an almost twenty-year run, he played a crucial role in cultivating its growth from its early entrepreneurial roots to the multi-billion dollar chain it became in the U.S. and abroad.