<p>A champion for humans in the learning-centric future of work, Heather E. McGowan helps leaders prepare their people and organizations for a rapidly changing world.</p><p>The last few years have forever changed where we work, who works, how we work and measure work, what we do for work and, most importantly, why we work. Renowned future of work expert Heather E. McGowan gives lucidity to complex topics through her easy-to-grasp, research-rich graphic frameworks and powerful metaphors. Heather is a sense maker, a dot connector, a deep thinker, and a pattern matcher who sees things that others miss. She transforms mindsets and entire organizations around the globe with her message about how the next phase of work will focus on continuous learning, rather than simply learning once in order to work.</p><p>Tackling subjects like human adaptation, learning agility, the importance of purpose and belonging in talent retention, and the essential role of trust, Heather gives audiences the courage and insight to thrive in a constantly changing business landscape.</p><p>In 2017, LinkedIn ranked Heather as its #1 global voice for education and in 2020 she was listed as one of the Top 50 Female Futurists in <em>Forbes</em>. She is the coauthor of bestsellers <em>The Adaptation Advantage</em> (April 2020) and <em>The Empathy Advantage</em> (March 2023).</p>

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Future-of-Work Strategist; One of <i>Forbes'</i> Top Female Futurists

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<ul><li><strong>The Empathy Advantage: Leading an Empowered Workforce</strong></li><li>Work fits into our lives differently in this post-pandemic world. The combination of a shift in leadership from Boomer and GenX to GenX and Millennial and the entrance of Generation Z into the workforce is altering the fundamental values around work. Labor shortages show no signs of abating and are shifting the power from employers to employees. In this “RUPT” (Rapid, Unpredictable, Paradoxical, and Tangled) world, leaders can no longer be unquestioned experts driving productivity with fear. The leadership profile shifts to a humble and curious learner who can inspire potential, help talent connect with their own internal drive and motivate with culture, love, and belonging. The factory default settings have all been removed from who works (diversity as a norm), where work takes place (home, office, anywhere, hybrid), what we do for work (exploration over routine tasks), how we lead (inspiration over fear), and why work in the first place. This talk is a fast-paced, inspirational overview of the quickly-changing work landscape comprising an empowered and engaged workforce. </li><li><strong>Creating High Performing Teams without Burnout</strong></li><li>Organizational leaders have far more influence over those they lead and manage than previously understood, recent research shows. The results-oriented management approach that drives productivity at the expense of workers’ mental health and safety reaches far beyond the workplace. In fact, leadership styles can affect the lives and futures of workers’ children. A series of recent studies show that leader behavior is impacting society not just in business performance outcomes, but through the daily lives of workers and their children. It is fair to conclude that how one leads today will fundamentally affect the workforce of future generations. Given the magnitude of this impact, we must think differently about leadership. A more empathetic leadership style best serves companies, communities, societies and the formation of the next generation workforce.</li><li>In this talk Heather shares highlights from various studies on the impact of leadership on both mental health, thriving, and performance to help organizations attract, nurture, and retain leaders that create high performing teams without burnout.</li><li><strong>Do Not Fear ChatGPT: The Future of Work is Human</strong></li><li>Today and in the future of work, the most in-demand skill will never be the one you have now— it’s the one you can develop tomorrow. Humans have an unmatched ability to learn and adapt from living in climates previously uninhabitable to creating tools that can, at first blush, seem to outperform our abilities. Consider the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) released about fifty years ago. When ATMs became widespread it was assumed the position of bank tellers would be outsourced to history when, in fact, the position of bank teller has grown continuously and slightly faster than the labor force as a whole. While tellers required per branch location declined, the demand for branch locations increased and along with it the demand for bank tellers. </li><li>What does all this mean? That the future of work is human. Once we escape our outdated seeking of single-disciplinary skill sets in fear of being replaced by technology, we can focus on developing our uniquely human skills, notably our ability to learn and adapt to emerging technologies. In this talk, Heather will share how the forces of atomization (jobs broken into job fragments addressable by outsourcing), automation (robots, process automation, etc.) and augmentation (humans leveraging technology to extend their potential) will work in concert constantly changing but not replacing human cognitive and physical labor.</li><li><strong>Learning: The Real Future of Work</strong></li><li>We live in times of accelerated change driven by exponentially growing technologies paired with a hyperconnected global market economy. As a result, work tasks as we knew them in the past have become fragmented, automated, and augmented by technology. This reshaping of tasks requires that we rethink our systems of education and workforce development, our organization of work and workers, our process of talent attraction and retention (including learning and development), and even ourselves. In the past, we learned to work. Tomorrow, we’ll work to learn. Discover how with Heather in this stunning and actionable keynote message.</li></ul>

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Learning is the new pension.
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<p>Heather McGowan, Corporate Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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