Deborah Perry Piscione

<p>Deborah Perry Piscione is a thought leader who helps <em>Fortune 500 </em>companies boost profits and grow talent by harnessing the power of Web3, ChatGPT/AI, and innovative future-of-work solutions.</p><p>Deborah Perry Piscione draws from years of research and hands-on work with Silicon Valley’s pioneer companies to build organizations into innovation machines and prepare leaders for the future. An expert in innovation methodology, she is the architect of “Improvisational Innovation,” a bottom’s-up process in which anyone in any corner of a company can bring forth new ideas in a trusted environment and be rewarded for it. Adopted by global companies like Nike, Qualcomm, and Tata Group this process has created a minimum of 10x ROI in new products and services for companies, and greatly assisted in talent development as employees explore their passions. Deborah’s process is a course on LinkedIn Learning called “Executive on Innovation,” in addition to her other course, “Risk-taking for Leaders,” and she has created a masterclass for Harvard Business Review’s Future of Business Conference.</p><p>Deborah is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Work3 Institute, an advisory and research firm aiming to design better employee experiences through Web3 technologies and future-of-work solutions. Previously in her career, she served as a television commentator for CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews and held roles as a legislative staffer on Capitol Hill and in the White House.</p><p>Deborah is author of several books including <em>New York Times</em> bestseller <em>Secrets of Silicon Valley</em>, and co-author of the upcoming book, <em>Employment is Dead! How Web3 Technologies Will Radically Shift Our Relationship with Work </em>(January 2025, <em>Harvard Business Review</em>).</p><p>Provocative and insightful, Deborah’s presentations help leaders develop a risk-taking mindset in order to shake the status quo, innovate, and grow their revenue streams and talent.</p>

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Innovation Expert; Serial Entrepreneur; Founder of Work3 Institute, a Renowned Future-of-Work Research and Advisory Firm

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Improvisational Innovation: Harvesting New Ideas from Any Corner of the Company</strong></li><li>Deborah Perry Piscione has uncovered the DNA from the inspired cultures of the most innovative companies in the world. In doing so, she architected a bottom’s up innovation process called Improvisational Innovation, where anyone in any corner of the company can bring forth new ideas and be rewarded for it. And as for the companies that have heard her presentation and brought the Improvisational Innovation process internally? A record 10x growth in new or existing revenue streams!</li><li><strong>Embracing the Disruptive Power of Generative AI and Chat GPT</strong></li><li>Imagine a future where work processes are transformed by the advent of Generative AI and Chat GPT. These technologies have the potential to disrupt traditional work structures in profound ways. To harness the disruptive power of Generative AI and Chat GPT, individuals and organizations must be proactive in adapting to this new reality. Embracing a growth mindset and a willingness to embrace change will be critical in navigating the evolving landscape of work.</li><li>In this keynote, audiences will explore the effects of AI on work structures, discover opportunities and challenges, learn how to leverage the power of these platforms for enhanced productivity and creativity, and understand the ethical considerations of Generative AI in the workplace.</li><li><strong>Work3: How Web3 Technologies Will Disrupt Work as We Know It</strong></li><li>Step into the world of Work3, where traditional workplaces and hierarchies are no longer the norm. Picture a decentralized, blockchain-powered digital landscape where individuals and organizations thrive by leveraging innovative approaches and tools by utilizing Generative AI and Chat GPT. In this new world, Work3 transforms the way we work. It begins by replacing hierarchical structures with autonomous frameworks. Through the power of blockchain technology, trust, transparency, and accountability, the cornerstones of work relationships are built. No longer reliant on intermediaries, individuals can engage in direct peer-to-peer interactions, forging connections and collaboration.</li><li>In this talk, audiences will gain a deep understanding of the Work3 concept, and its potential to improve work-life balance, encourage lifelong learning and skill-building, foster collaboration, and increase trust, transparency, and accountability in work relationships.</li><li><strong>How to Create a Risk-taking Culture to Unleash Workforce Productivity</strong></li><li>With so much emphasis on short-term stock price gains and bottom-line focus, organizations tend to act too safe, resulting in a stagnant business culture which generates entirely forgettable results in a world that demands significant solutions. Deborah demonstrates how your culture can act smarter, faster, and with more agility in reacting to competition. She explores both the individual skills and organization systems to unleash risk-taking.</li></ul>

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<p><span style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">Deborah Perry Piscione, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</span></p>
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