Amy Cuddy

<p>A bold and captivating voice in the field of social psychology, Dr. Amy Cuddy demystifies the science behind power, presence, body language, and social bravery—and shares how we can leverage it to achieve personal and professional success.  </p><p>Widely recognized for her enduringly popular TED Talk, “<em>Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are,</em>” which has over 72 million views and was named by<em> The Guardian</em> as “One of 20 Online Talks that Could Change Your Life,” Amy Cuddy explores the question: “How can we take control of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ways that boost our confidence, presence, performance, courage, and overall well-being?”</p><p>Amy conveys a rare combination of wisdom and deep expertise — along with an honest, warm-hearted accessibility and openness. Whether she’s talking to a group of 100 or 20,000, she creates an unparalleled intimacy with her audiences. Engaging deeply with listeners and bestowing advice that is both practical and profound, she enthralls and inspires audiences with evidence-based and immediately-actionable tips for achieving greater success – demonstrating how harnessing our personal power can liberate us from fear and connect us with others, making us more present, compelling, and courageous.</p><p>After earning her Ph.D. at Princeton University, Amy was a professor at Harvard Business School and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. Throughout her academic career, she’s been honored with some of the highest commendations for both her teaching and her research, including the Excellence in Teaching Award from Harvard University and the Scientific Impact Award from the Society for Experimental Social Psychology. </p><p>Amy’s bestselling book <em>Presence</em>, which has sold more than half a million copies and been published in 35 languages, was described in <em>The New York Times </em>Sunday Book Review, “Cuddy brings an abundance of humility and charm to the page. Her presence itself – her openhearted desire to help the insecure and the uneasy in this age of anxiety – shines through. Presence feels at once concrete and inspiring, simple but ambitious – above all, truly powerful.”</p>

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Social Psychologist with the second-most-watched TED Talk of all time, Award-winning Harvard Lecturer, Bestselling Author

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Personal Power & Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges</strong></li></ul><p>Many of our biggest challenges call for us to be calmly confident, focused, and open to hearing others. Too often, we approach these high-pressure interactions with fear, execute with anxiety and distraction, and leave with regret. Based on her bestselling book Presence, Amy draws from psychology and neuroscience research, personal narratives, and her own challenges, to help audiences become more present and effective in challenging situations, retrain our nervous systems to liberate us, and adapt our body language to directly affect how powerful we can feel—and appear to others.</p><p>Audiences will be moved and inspired, leaving Amy’s keynote with a fresh, life-changing perspective on themselves and their interactions, and a concrete and immediately-actionable set of simple techniques to harness their own personal power and presence, freeing them to perform and interact at their very best — and empower others to do the same.</p><ul><li><strong>Moving Forward in the Flux Era: From Flux Syndrome to Flux Recovery</strong></li></ul><p>The pandemic and concurrent economic and cultural shifts have propelled workers and leaders into a new “Flux Era.” This new and ongoing flux has created a stew of conflicting emotions — hope, fear, excitement, dispiritedness, relief, and tension. And although human beings are more resilient than we generally appreciate, this psychological tilt-a-whirl has caused many of us to feel a loss of agency, leading us to make rash decisions. With her extensive background in cutting-edge behavioral science and research, Amy Cuddy offers answers in this groundbreaking and energizing talk on the workforce’s most top-of-mind questions around returning to work. </p><p>Combining her openness and warmth with her deep expertise, Amy delivers this timely speech on how to come to terms with and thrive in these tumultuous times.</p><ul><li><strong>Identity and Intergroup Conflict: Exploring the Anatomy of Bias in a Divided World</strong></li></ul><p>For more than twenty years, Amy Cuddy has been studying and writing about intergroup bias and the psychological underpinnings of how we judge and treat others.</p><p>She breaks down who and why we envy, pity, admire, and hate. Why do we bend over backwards to help some people – while turning a blind eye to the mistreatment of others? Why do we assume some people will be allies and others, predators? And how do those feelings and interactions affect how we see ourselves, and how we feel and behave in the future? As her primary area of research, Cuddy draws from a deep well of knowledge and science to present a powerful and provocative evidence-based discussion that helps audiences understand how bigotry often plays a starring role in prejudice and workplace mobbing.</p><p>Our biases – whether simple or complex – impact the quality of our interactions and our productivity at work, says Cuddy. With potency and warmth, she shares with audiences how to reject and transcend stereotypes that divide and disempower, so that we can band together to categorically reject harassment and bullying at work.</p><ul><li><strong>The Science and Social Impact of Bravery — and How We Can Use it to End Bullying</strong></li></ul><p>Social media is a rocket fuel for our worst impulses, says Amy Cuddy, exacerbating incivility and bullying among adults both online and offline. But the same psychological mechanisms that elicit bullying – tribalism, the influence of norms, and desire for status – can just as easily be used to decrease bullying and increase bravery. The same human tendencies that are activated for bad, argues Cuddy, can be activated for good.</p><p>“Now, more than any other time, we have the science – and the stories – to build a brand-new program to fight against this menace,” Cuddy says.</p><p>In this talk, based on her forthcoming book, <em>Bullies, Bystanders, and Bravehearts</em> (HarperCollins, 2025) she covers the staggering psychological, physical, and socio-economic costs of bullying to individuals, organizations, and societies – and the unprecedented and surprising opportunities we have to engage in and lead through social bravery. She compellingly demonstrates that when we understand the psychology of these dynamics, virtually all of us will have the power to be bravehearts, rather than passive bystanders.</p>

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<p><span style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">Amy Cuddy, Motivational Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</span></p>
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