David Allison

<p>Drawing from his groundbreaking behavioral science research, David Allison helps the world’s biggest brands understand and connect with their teams' and customers’ human values—positioning them for growth and success in today’s quickly-changing landscape.</p><p>Regarded as the world’s foremost human values expert, David Allison is focused on changing how we understand ourselves, the people around us, and those we hope to engage with in our work. As the founder of the Valuegraphics Project—the first global inventory of core human values—he has transformed human values into measurable data and created an entirely new type of human-centric insights. He helps major brands like Google, PayPal, lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation understand and connect with people by honoring their values. </p><p>In today’s tech-driven, quickly-changing landscape, David’s fast-paced and fascinating keynotes serve as a timely reminder that to thrive in the future, we must lean into what makes us quintessentially human.</p><p>David’s work is included in college textbooks used worldwide, and has been featured in <em>Harvard Business Review, Forbes,</em> and <em>INC Magazine.</em> His latest book, <em>The Death of Demographics</em>, was hailed by critics as "Convincing, insightful, and...revolutionary."</p>

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Global Values Leader and Human Behavior Expert, Founder of the Valuegraphics Project

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The Superhuman Antidote to AI</strong></li><li>Businesses don't like risk, and the blend of chaos, emotion, and complexity that we call "the human factor" is one of the biggest risks any business must face. But right now, as incredibly disruptive technologies like AI emerge at a stunning pace, the only antidote is for us to become more incredibly human than ever before. To do that, we need to make “the human factor” less risky. That’s what David Allison does in this keynote. David’s team has turned human values into data, creating boardroom-friendly facts and figures to replace subjective conversations. To thrive alongside super-technologies like AI – and whatever comes next – we must be superhuman. Values are the answer. David will show you how to put them to work</li><li><strong>Boosting Sales by Being Human</strong></li><li>Consumers today are harder to understand than ever before, behaving in unpredictable ways and failing to fit the mold of traditional demographics like age, income, gender, and education. We have more data and insights than ever, but all that data isn’t getting us closer to achieving our goals. But what if we’re measuring the wrong things? David Allison has turned our shared human values into accurate empirical data, conducting nearly a million surveys in 152 languages featuring hundreds of millions of data points. His findings align with a neurological truth: every decision we make, thousands of times of day, is determined by our values. In this keynote, David shares how audiences can harness this invaluable values-based data to drive marketing ROI and explosive sales growth for their organizations.</li><li><strong>The Science of Values-Based Leadership</strong></li><li>Neurologists have known for years that leading people effectively requires tapping into their core values. But until now, there hasn't been a way to identify, measure, and leverage the specific values shared by teams, or large groups of people. David Allison has turned our shared human values into accurate empirical data, conducting nearly a million surveys in 152 languages featuring hundreds of millions of data points. In this keynote, David explains how we can leverage the next evolution in values-driven leadership with a scientific breakthrough in human values data. Once you learn the accurate, science-backed, shared values of your people, the transformation begins. You'll see your true self in your work. You'll see where your values intersect with the values of people you need to engage. And you'll find that more effective leadership comes from being more human. As David says: "If we let them, our values will unite us. Because we are all values-driven."</li><li><strong>Passion & Purpose, Not Ping Pong & Pizza</strong></li><li>It's no secret that employee engagement and retention are in freefall. Companies continue to offer more perks and incentives, yet 85% of employees worldwide aren't engaged at work. Many organizations are at a loss for how to make people do great things and feel satisfied along the way. David Allison has dedicated his career to studying the core values that drive people to become engaged, inspired, and motivated. By conducting nearly a million surveys in 152 languages featuring hundreds of millions of data points, David and his team have turned shared human values into hard data that's readable, meaningful, and actionable. Guided by David's game-changing research—delivered in an unforgettably dynamic keynote—you’ll discover how to go beyond pointless perks to create an engaged workforce incentivized by what they value most. People don't want ping pong tables and free pizza. Give them more of what they value, and you'll unlock their true passion and full potential.</li></ul>

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<p><span style="font-size: 14px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">David Allison, Motivational Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</span></p>
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