Business Events

Doc Hendley

<p>In 2003 Doc Hendley dreamed up the concept of Wine To Water while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, North Carolina. In January of 2004 he held his first fundraiser and by August was living in Darfur, Sudan installing water systems for victims of the government-supported genocide.</p>

Daymond John

<p>Straight from the set of <em>Shark Tank</em> and the boardroom of FUBU, Daymond John takes audiences through his hard-won, real-world lessons on leadership, innovation, entrepreneurialism, and what it takes to succeed. </p><p><span style="font-size: 13px;">An entrepreneur in every sense of the word, Daymond John has come a long way from taking out a $100,000 mortgage on his mother’s house and moving his business operation into its basement.

Thomas Koulopoulos

<p>Tom Koulopoulos is Chairman and founder of Delphi Group, a 30-year-old Boston-based think tank named one of the fastest growing private companies by<em> Inc. Magazine, </em>and the founding partner of Acrovantage Ventures, which invests in early-stage technology startups.

Mike Rowe

<p>One of the nation&#39;s most unique storytellers, who is perhaps most recognizable donning a ball cap and construction boots, Mike Rowe is a popular media personality and the host of highly rated TV series, including Discovery Channel’s "Dirty Jobs" and annual "Shark Week" special.</p><p>Rowe&#39;s most recent TV project, CNN’s "Somebody’s Gotta Do It" introduces his fans and viewers to fascinating tradespeople, innovators and entrepreneurs.

General Peter Pace

<p>General Peter Pace retired from active duty on October 1, 2007, after more than 40 years of service in the United States Marine Corps. General Pace was sworn in as sixteenth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Sep. 30, 2005. In this capacity, he served as the principal military advisor to the President, the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council.  Prior to becoming Chairman, he served as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Scott McKain

<p>Scott McKain is an internationally known authority who helps organizations create distinction in every phase of business and teaches how to deliver an “Ultimate Customer Experience®.”</p><p>He is the founder of a consulting and training company that explores the role of ultimate customer experiences in creating enhanced client retention and revenue, and is the author of three #1 business bestsellers; all teaching how to expand profits, increase sales, and engage customers.

Brian Wesbury

<p>Brian Wesbury is Chief Economist at First Trust Advisors L.P., a financial services firm based in Wheaton, Illinois.</p><p>Mr. Wesbury has been a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago since 1999. In 2012, he was named a Fellow of the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, TX where he works closely with its 4%-Growth Project.

Alan Beaulieu

<p>For more than twenty years, Alan Beaulieu has been consulting and advising companies throughout the US, Europe, and Japan on how to thrive through the business cycle. As a senior analyst, economist, and President of the Institute for Trend Research (ITR), Beaulieu has become one of the most highly trusted, sought-after business speakers and consultants in the world.