<p>With a powerful and authentic message, Morris Morrison helps individuals and organizations position themselves to be better, more prepared humans in the constantly-changing landscapes of our work and our lives. </p><p>Morris Morrison is a world-class entertainer, futurist, and author who became obsessed with building <em>stronger</em>, <em>kinder</em>, more <em>focused</em> human beings after being orphaned in New York City, then, being orphaned a second time as a teen — <em>before a doctor’s words changed his life forever</em>. </p><p>Today global leaders from Fortune 50 companies, ranging from Supply Chain & HR to Sales & Marketing have relied on the voice of Morris Morrison as change agent to help their people overcome disruption to position themselves as better, more prepared humans that usher in the future of work. Clients have experienced Morris Morrison's message live on stage and in his latest book titled, <em>Disrupt Yourself</em>. Morris Morrison has been the go-to voice to bring families, teams and organizations together, with an authentic delivery style fueled by powerful messages of conviction, personal ownership & discipline.</p><p><br></p>

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Inspirational disruption and leadership expert, futurist, author, entrepreneur

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<p><strong>Kickoff Keynote</strong></p><p>Kick off your year, season or event and step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with a captivating, general session keynote program from motivational keynote speaker, Morris Morrison.</p><p>Through powerful storytelling, customized content and unforgettable energy, Morris Morrison and his team will work with your conference event team to deliver a fully customize program, tailored to your organization’s values, priorities, event theme, and learning objectives.</p><p><strong>Future You, Future Us: Owning Your Role as Digital Citizens</strong></p><p>As advancements with AI and Chat GPT technologies challenge the future of our workplaces, we ask, "Can human beings co-exist in a future, digital world with artificial intelligence that promises to make our lives easier by automating our tasks?" Through captivating storytelling and engagement, Morris Morrison's "Future You, Future Us" program will paint a vivid picture of the relationship between human beings the future of work and the transformative power of technology in the digital world of tomorrow. </p><p>Morris Morrison will inspire audiences to reimagine a clear vision of tomorrow and a future world that is both technologically advanced and deeply human, where humanity has a healthier, balanced relationship with technology. </p><p><strong>Disrupt Yourself: Driving Change to Create Growth and Opportunity</strong></p><p>It’s no secret that human beings crave consistency - and we dislike change. Yet, one thing remains clear -- owners, leaders and producers must, deliver results. In this program, Morris Morrison will equip your audience to abandon their need for certainty and comfort, to embrace change and disruption and develop new disciplines. The powerful message, unforgettable content and easy to apply learning outcomes in this program will challenge your audience to reimagine their role as owners and producers, to become DISRUPTORS.</p><p><strong>Mentally Healthy, Mentally Strong</strong></p><p>Personal and professional stressors and challenges are inevitable in today's marketplace. In a time virtual work, family balance and shifting work demands, strategies for facing those must be prioritized. Keynote Speaker Morris Morrison’s “Mentally Healthy, Mentally Strong” program exists for one reason: to place a priority on employee mental health and wellness, -and help individuals, teams and organizations produce better lives for professionals and better results for customers. To achieve this, individuals and organizations must prioritize mental strength and resiliency for everyone. </p><p>Set the Table: Creating Diversity of The Heart</p><p>Leaders must commit to uncompromising organizational values and guiding principles to truly drive culture. Our “SET THE TABLE” program will authentically support your organization’s approach to DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION (DEI) and assist your leadership team in setting the table for all employees to prioritize and celebrate the contributions of all stakeholders.</p>

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<p><span style="font-size: 14px;">Inspirational Disruption and Leadership Expert, Author of </span><i style="font-size: 14px;">Disrupt Yourself</i></p>
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<p>Morris Morrison, Disruption Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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