<p>Drawing from more than 35 years of experience, including as VP of Talent and Human Resources for Chick-fil-A, Dee Ann Turner shares how to cultivate both employee and guest culture at organizations, and how to select and retain extraordinary talent for successful business and legendary customer service.  </p><p>Dee Ann Turner is a 33-year veteran of Chick-fil-A, Inc. Prior to retirement, she was Vice President, Talent and Vice President, Sustainability. Selected as the company’s first female officer in 2001, she was instrumental in building and growing Chick-fil-A’s well-known culture and talent systems.  </p><p>Today, Dee Ann leads her own organization, Dee Ann Turner & Associates, LLC, writing books, speaking to audiences around the world, and consulting and coaching leaders globally. She is the author of several bestsellers, including<em> It’s My Pleasure: The Impact of Extraordinary Talent and a Compelling Culture</em> (2015) and <em>Crush Your Career: Ace the Interview, Land the Job and Launch Your Future </em>(2021). She also hosts the “Crush Your Career” Podcast and is the Talent Expert in Residence at High Point University. In 2023, she was named a Georgia Titan 100 recognizing the top business leaders in Georgia. </p><p>A natural storyteller, Dee Ann connects with her audiences and draws them in with her authentic and transparent style. Along with speaking about how to hire and retain top talent, Dee Ann offers practical tools audiences can use to build an incredible, influential company culture of their own. </p>

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Former VP of Corporate Talent for Chick-fil-A, Author, and Corporate Culture Expert

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<ul><li><strong>Creating a Culture of Care</strong></li><li>This talk outlines the elements that create a Remarkable culture: A Meaningful Purpose, A Challenging Mission and Demonstrated Core Values. Dee Ann explains how to create these elements within your organization and how to apply them to win the hearts of employees and customers.  </li><li><strong>Win With Who</strong></li><li>To win in the marketplace, selecting and keeping extraordinary talent is paramount. Dee Ann uses her experiences of selecting thousands of people for hospitality roles to explain how to select for character, competency and chemistry. Extraordinary talent flourishing in a remarkable culture will create amazing customer experiences. </li><li><strong>Bet on Talent</strong></li><li>In this message, Dee Ann explains how to combine the ingredients of a Remarkable Culture with Extraordinary Talent to create customer loyalty through legendary customer experience. The difference between an amazing customer service and a poor customer experience is one employee who cares about the customer. Dee Ann helps her audience how to select, train and motivate people to care more about those they serve.  </li><li><strong>Selecting Extraordinary Talent </strong></li><li>In this workshop, Dee Ann teaches the technique of behavioral interviewing helping participants learn and apply this crucial skill to select extraordinary talent. She explains the difference between “hiring people” and “selecting talent.” Participants can immediately apply the skill by creating a job profile, planning the interview and role playing with other participants with Dee Ann’s coaching.  </li><li><strong>Help Your Extraordinary Talent Crush Their Career </strong></li><li>Organizational leaders are frustrated with talent that understand the competency of their roles but struggle to navigate the culture and chemistry of the organization. Dee Ann is a guide to leaders, mentors, coaches and parents on how to help the emerging talent you lead understand the landmines in their career and how to manage those challenges. This keynote inspires and teaches leaders to be more effective coaches and mentors so that the organization can achieve its goals as a new generation of talent emerges.  </li><li><strong>3 Truths I Wish I Had Known About the World of Work </strong></li><li>This is a keynote for emerging talent and those in transition to improve skills in discerning a calling, preparing a resume and on-line presence, interviewing, and navigating such issues as performance management, organizational politics, culture and much more. This keynote is for emerging leaders, someone who is launching into the workforce or experiencing job or career transition. </li></ul>

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<p><b>Former VP of Corporate Talent for Chick-fil-A, Current Vice President - Sustainability, Author and Corporate Culture Expert</b></p>
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<p>Dee Ann Turner, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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