<p>Seth Mattison is an Internationally renowned expert, author and futurist. As founder and CEO of Luminate Labs, Seth advises many of the world’s leading brand and organizations on the key shifts happening now around talent management, “The Great Resignation,” leadership, and the future of work. </p><p>After almost twenty years of study business performance, transformation, and leadership inside some of the world’s most recognizable brands, Seth Mattison is helping usher in a new era of work, one that is more human-centric, purpose-driven, and guided by leaders rooted in their deep commitment to their people, their clients and the communities they serve.</p><p>Seth advises many of the world’s leading brands and organizations on the key shifts happening in talent management, change and innovation, leadership, and the future of work. In his engaging and highly customized keynotes, Mattison helps leaders and human resources professionals understand today’s changing workforce.</p><p>Named to the “Editors’ Picks for Speakers to Watch” by MeetingsNet, Mattison blends storytelling from his own professional experience working with many Fortune 100 companies with cutting-edge research. His past clients have included MasterCard, Johnson and Johnson, Microsoft, Kraft Foods, AT&T, PepsiCo, GE Energy, Cisco, State Farm, Merrill Lynch, Dow, and Disney.</p><p>Mattison is the author of <i>The War at Work: A Tale of Navigating the Unwritten Rules of the Hierarchy</i> in a <i>Half-Changed World </i>(2017) and <i>The Future of Leadership: Elevate Your Influence. Navigate Disruption</i>. <i>Bring out Their Best</i>. (2019). Many of his ideas have also been featured in top publications such as <i>The Wall St. Journal, Forbes</i>, <i>The Huffington Post</i>, and the <i>Globe and Mail</i>.  </p>

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Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The Great Reconciliation: The Uprising of the American Worker</strong></li><li>You’ve heard it called “The Great Resignation,” but Seth Mattison shows leaders, HR executives and teams why it represents an opportunity for reconciliation instead. In a world where attitudes are changing about what matters most in work and life, organizations can help usher in a new era of work—one that is more human-centric, purpose-driven, and guided by leaders’ commitment to their people, their clients and the communities they serve.</li><li><strong> The Emerging Future: Building Future-Ready Organizations and High-Performing Cultures to Compete and Win in The Decade Ahead</strong></li><li>As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, leaders prepare to face an unrelenting and continuously shifting landscape of change and transformation. Today, change knows no boundaries, no borders, and no breaks. The impact of this can be felt as individuals fatigue under the weight of extreme ambiguity. Rooted in research and bolstered by his time advising high performing organizations, Seth helps prepare leadership teams to meet the decade ahead with confidence, clarity, and conviction.</li><li><strong>The Heart of Business: The Secret and the Science to Influencing and Leading During Times of Transformation</strong></li><li>Leadership has always been about one thing: influence. To effectively manage transformation, leaders must have the understanding and the skill to not only connect with the rational and logical aspects of people’s brains but also have the capacity to understand what ultimately drives human behavior at the deepest level. This highly interactive deep-dive discussion dissects the critical skills and competencies leaders need to elevate their impact on the teams they’re supporting, the organizations they’re leading, and the communities they live in.</li><li><strong>The Human Connection: Harnessing the Power of Belonging to Activate High Performance and Organizational Resiliency</strong></li><li>In a world of uncertainty, ambiguity, change, and transformation, leaders today face a stark reality to compete, grow, and scale the business. And while technology supports this evolution, people make it a reality. What’s possible when environments are created where talent feels safe enough to be free and supported enough to truly belong? Seth unpacks one of the most important talent trends of the next decade to help leaders motivate, inspire and drive synergy.</li><li><strong>Leading High-Performance Virtual Teams: Strategies for Succeeding with a Remote Workforce</strong></li><li>As we enter a new era of digital work, leaders are faced with the challenge of reengineering their organizations for a mobile-first culture in order to drive business performance and maintain cultural cohesiveness from afar. The challenges of isolation, social distancing and working from home present a unique opportunity to create compelling new digital remote work environments that are engaging, participatory, and full of the human connection we deeply value.</li><li><strong>The Future-Ready Seller: Elevating Influence and Impacting the Client Experience of the Future to Scale and Grow the Business</strong></li><li>Today power, information, and influence are shared between customers and sales professionals creating new challenges and opportunities for entire industries. How will you respond to this dramatic evolution? In this presentation, Seth will dissect how world-class firms, leaders, and sales producers are meeting the elevated expectations of more sophisticated and demanding customers by demonstrating an entirely new set of relationship competencies and intelligence gathering skills required to compete and win business in this new complex and competitive environment.</li><li><strong>The Future-Ready Advisor: Elevating Influence and Impacting the Client Experience of the Future to Scale and Grow the Business</strong></li><li>The financial services industry is rapidly changing. New digital technologies—social, mobile, analytics and cloud—are creating fundamental shifts in both client and advisor attitudes, behaviors, expectations, and relationships. In this presentation, Seth dissects how world-class firms, leaders, and advisors are meeting the elevated expectations of more sophisticated and demanding clients by demonstrating an entirely new set of relationship competencies, intelligence gathering skills, and digital savviness required to compete, win, and grow the business in this new complex and competitive environment</li></ul>

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The experiences we create for our people have never mattered more. Purpose, meaning, connection….It will all need to be curated to attract and retain the best talent.
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Seth Mattison, Generational Expert, Millennial Generation, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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