<p>Paul Epstein shares the same winning playbook he used in his own career to help others make high-impact decisions, develop unshakeable confidence, and lead with authenticity while navigating uncertainty.</p><p>In his fifteen-year career as a pro sports executive, Paul Epstein helped take NBA teams from the bottom of the league in revenue to the top, broke every premium sales revenue record metric in NFL Super Bowl history, opened a billion-dollar stadium, and founded the San Francisco 49ers Talent Academy.</p><p>Now he shares the proven habits and rituals that made him a success, offering teams and leaders the tools needed to make high-impact decisions faster and to lead with courage while navigating uncertainty, resulting in unshakeable confidence for a competitive advantage.</p><p>Named one of <em>Success</em> magazine’s “Top Thought Leaders that Get Results,” Paul leads development and culture transformation programs for companies and teams including Amazon, Disney, Johnson & Johnson, NASA, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the Dallas Cowboys—and his work has been featured on ESPN, NBC, Fox Business, and in USA Today. He is the bestselling author of <em>Better Decisions Faster</em> and <em>The Power of Playing Offense</em>.</p>

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Award-winning leadership and sales team performance expert, former NFL and NBA executive, and bestselling author of <i>Better Decisions Faster</i>

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Closing the Confidence Gap in Sales: The Mindset and Game Plan Required to WIN</strong></li><li>Sales is the lifeblood of every organization. Without it, there is no business to operate. No people to employ. No purpose to fulfill. No impact to ignite in the market. CONFIDENCE is what makes it all possible. Paul realized how confidence can be the ultimate separator and competitive advantage needed to win as a sales leader in the NFL and NBA, breaking the all-time Super Bowl revenue record, surpassing billion-dollar goals while opening new NFL stadiums, and transforming cellar-dwelling NBA teams from 28th in league revenue to 2nd.</li><li><strong>How to Make Better Decisions Faster: Unshakable Confidence When You Need it Most</strong></li><li>Even the most elite performers can rush to bad judgements, become paralyzed by indecision, or get worn down by decision fatigue. In this keynote, Paul reveals the streamlined three-step process he’s used to turn around major sports franchises — from the locker room to the boardroom. Avoid decision traps, move forward clear and CONFIDENT, and make the best out of your MVDs: Most Valuable Decisions. Discover the secrets to always making the right call when it comes to:<ul><li> Picking Strategy A or Strategy B</li><li>Choosing who (and when) to hire, fire, or promote</li><li>Deciding whether to spend your time on X, Y, or Z</li><li>Moving forward with a deal or hitting the eject button</li></ul></li><li> The secret? The Head-Heart-Hands equation: a simple and repeatable process that taps into the power of our three most basic human tools for making better decisions faster.</li><li><strong>The Power of Playing Offense in Defensive Environments: How to Lead with Courage while Navigating Uncertainty</strong></li><li>Global upheaval, unrelenting change, and economic uncertainty have us all playing defense. The result: confidence gaps that drive defensive mindsets and actions at organizations all over the world. But what if you had a playbook for playing offense — CONFIDENTLY pursuing and achieving meaningful goals and breakthrough performance — while everyone else is sheltering in place? This is exactly what Paul delivers in this flagship keynote inspired by 15 years of leading teams in the NFL/NBA and his bestselling book, <em>The Power of Playing Offense: A Leader’s Playbook for Personal </em>and <em>Team Transformation</em>. Every audience member will walk away with a 5-pillar Playing Offense framework, curated for universal insights and actionable takeaways to implement in any industry or organization.</li></ul><p><br></p>

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<p>Paul Epstein, Leadership Speaker, Keppler Speakers</p>
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