<p>Eric Termuende is a globally-recognized thought leader, author, and international authority on the future of work and building teams that thrive.</p><p>As co-founder of NoW Innovations, Eric advises industry-leading organizations, institutions, and associations on how to best future-proof their teams, talent management, and rehumanizing the workplace. His best-selling book, <i>Rethink Work</i>, has become a must-read for today’s leaders. </p><p>Recognized as one of the Top 100 Emerging Innovators under 35 by American Express, his ideas have been featured in <i>Forbes</i>, <i>Thrive Global</i>, <i>The Huffington Post</i>, <i>The Globe</i> <i>and Mail</i>, and more. From the stage of TEDx to BUILDEX to Coca Cola and the Milken Global Conference, Eric inspires, challenges, and opens minds to opportunity and doors to growth.</p>

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International Thought Leader on Workplace and Company Culture

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<ul><li><strong>Leadership and AI: Building High-performing Teams in the New World of Work</strong></li><li>Weaving its way into nearly every conversation from the boardroom to the dinner table, we talk about AI like we talk about any news story of the day. AI though, isn’t just a news story, nor is it a flash-in-the-pan, it is a revolutionary technology that is turning the page and starting a brand-new chapter in the world of work and leadership. Today, leaders of category-leading companies, associations, and non-profits need to not only understand what AI truly is, but where it came from, how it will change the world of work in the years to come, and how the foundations of building trust, belonging, and connection haven’t changed one bit. The very best leaders don’t just know what AI is, they know how to build high-performing teams as AI continues to invade the workplace.</li><li>In this insightful, actionable, and eye-opening keynote, leaders will understand specifically how to build resilient, trusting, and engaged teams both because of and despite AI in a world that is changing faster than we’ll ever understand. While AI won’t replace us, the leaders that understand AI and know what to do about it most certainly will. In this keynote, Eric Termuende will teach exactly how to be a better leader in a world dominated by AI.</li><li><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"> </span><strong>Blueprint to the Future: Leading in a New World of Work</strong></li><li>While the trends, charts, graphs, and predictions about the future of work are interesting, the rhetoric around the future of work is often stuck on what it might look like, not how we get there. Instead of wasting time trying to predict what’s next, leaders need to better understand the specific steps we need to take to focus on building incredible teams that thrive in the face of adversity and uncertainty; and have each other’s backs along the way.</li><li> In this engaging, insight-filled, and actionable presentation, workplace culture and leadership expert Eric Termuende shares his research-backed blueprint for successful leadership in a world that has yet to be created.</li><li>Attendees will receive a practical guide to building teams that are more productive, engaged, creative, and innovative. They’ll learn from the experiences of the National Football League, category-leading companies,</li><li>and trailblazers from around the world about the importance of building trust, removing friction, and creating a culture of experimentation. Attendees will discover ways to ‘future-proof’ their teams by making a series of one- degree shifts that result in an improved sense of belonging, psychological safety, and engagement. Attendees will walk away with immediate, actionable, budget-free steps to become the type of leader that builds resilient, innovative teams, no matter what else is going on in the world.</li><li><strong>Unwavering: Building Incredible Teams for the Future of Work</strong></li><li>Uncertainty is inevitable in the new world of work. In the face of ongoing change, will we see our people running for the exits, or will they be there to support and help each other? Change is happening faster than ever before and building unwavering teams that are resilient, ultra-collaborative, and even excited about that change has never been more important. But how do we build unwavering teams? Trust, empathy, and ongoing experimentation.</li><li> Workplace culture and leadership expert Eric Termuende has spent nearly a decade decoding exactly what creates unwavering teams: those that are resilient, rooted in belonging, and have a deep sense of safety and inclusivity. These are the types of teams that thrive through change because they know that while change may be difficult, the only thing worse is standing still. Eric has created a playbook for cultivating unwavering teams, and in this session, attendees will both learn it and be able to take it home with them.</li><li>By discovering how to enhance collaboration, developing excitement for all of the possibilities experimentation yield, and deciphering the root of trust across a team, attendees will come away from this session understanding how to become the incredible leader who inspire their teams to perform at their best and stand strong through anything the future may hold.</li></ul>

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<p>Eric Termuende, Workplace Culture, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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Termuende E-Article (Eric Termuende Newsletter Feb 2022).pdf
Termuende E-Article (Eric Termuende Newsletter Feb 2022.pdf
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Termuende E-Speech Topics.doc
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