$20,001 - $30,000


Mariana Atencio

<p>Sharing her journey from Venezuelan immigrant to U.S. national news anchor, Mariana Atencio is on a mission to help people supercharge their careers, their workplace cultures, and their happiness by embracing the power of authenticity.</p><p>Coming to America from Venezuela as a young girl, Mariana Atencio felt self-conscious about being different. She recounted her struggles to fit in and adapt to her new life in a TEDx talk that captured the hearts of over 24 million viewers—making it one of the top 10 most viewed TEDx talks of all time.

Linda Yates

<p>One of Silicon Valley’s most renowned thought leaders, Linda Yates leverages the secrets of venture-driven startups to help organizations build their own successful growth engines at rapid pace.</p><p>The ground beneath global businesses is shifting more rapidly than ever before. A startling revelation from the World Economic Forum paints a vivid picture: 40% of CEOs fear their companies won't withstand the next decade without transformative change.

Dr. Marcus Collins

<p>Dr. Marcus Collins is an award-winning marketer and cultural translator with one foot in the world of practice—formerly serving as the Head of Strategy at Wieden+Kennedy, New York—and one foot in the world of academia—as a marketing professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan.</p><p>His deep understanding of brand strategy and consumer behavior has helped him bridge the academic-practitioner gap for blue-chip brands and startups alike.

Dr. Kien Vuu

Applying his scientifically-proven “Thrive State” longevity and performance framework to organizations, Dr. Kien Vuu helps corporate audiences unlock a future of empowered, innovative, resilient workforces, equipped to thrive amidst change and uncertainty.

Jessica Buchanan

<p>Sharing her extraordinary story, Jessica Buchanan inspires audiences to overcome their own obstacles and access their own strength and resilience—no matter how “impossible” the odds.</p><p>On October 25, 2011, while working in Somalia on a routine field mission for her NGO, Jessica Buchanan was abducted at gunpoint and held for ransom by a group of Somali pirates for 93 days.

Michael Smerconish

<p>Celebrated TV personality, radio host, and longtime newspaper columnist Michael Smerconish provides a refreshingly independent and balanced perspective to the world of political commentary and current affairs. </p><p>Michael Smerconish is on a mission to restore civility and compromise to our public discourse. For three decades he’s had a front-row seat to the increase in polarization that has gripped the nation.

Justin Wren

<p>Sharing his remarkable story of battling addiction and depression through finding his purpose, Justin “The Big Pygmy” Wren helps audiences overcome challenges, improve performance, and create lasting impact—in business and in life.</p>

Johnny Quinn

A trusted voice in resilience and change management, U.S. Olympian Johnny Quinn applies the tools and frameworks he developed as a pro athlete to help organizations accept risk, push through barriers, and to live and work with purpose.

Worry, stress and anxiety are at an all-time high for many organizations. Budgets are being cut and people are being asked to do more with less. It’s a tough outlook—unless you understand the future belongs to the resilient leader!

Kerri Walsh Jennings

<p>Sharing insights from her incredible career, Kerri Walsh Jennings inspires audiences to unlock their potential and conquer any challenges standing in their way. </p><p>Kerri Walsh Jennings is a 5 time Olympian, 3 time Olympic gold medalist, 1 time bronze medalist in beach volleyball. She was a 4 time 1st Team All-American at Stanford University where her teams won 2 National Championships (‘96, ‘97) and finished runner-up in ‘99.

April Rinne

<p>A top-ranked global futurist, April Rinne helps teams and individuals develop a “Flux Mindset”—the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.</p><p>Right now, humans’ ability to embrace all kinds of change, uncertainty, and not-knowing isn’t exceptional, but rather table stakes. Change is at the heart of responsible leadership, thriving culture, and effective communication.