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Corporate Social Responsibility

Jonathan Mildenhall

<p>One of the most influential marketing experts on the planet shares insights on cultivating world-class creativity and uniting humanity through inclusive, purpose-driven brand strategy.</p><p>Currently the CMO of fintech platform Rocket Companies, Jonathan Mildenhall is a globally respected professional in the marketing and advertising world. He is Co-founder and Chair of TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, one of the world&#39;s leading branding and marketing consultancies.

Maria Contreras-Sweet

<p>Maria Contreras-Sweet is an expert in economic growth, job creation, corporate governance (ESG) and competitiveness.</p><p>Internationally acclaimed for her insights on growth, innovation, and corporate governance, or Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), Contreras-Sweet serves on multiple boards of directors, including infrastructure firm Sempra Energy, TriNet, Regional Management Corp., and Zions Bancorporation.

John Jacobs

<p>John Jacobs illustrates the power of optimism to help you unlock creativity, foster a collaborative mindset, accept obstacles as opportunities, and build authentic brands. </p>

Bert Jacobs

<p>Bert Jacobs inspires with lessons on the importance of an optimistic mindset in life and a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and social responsibility in business.</p>

Fabien Cousteau

<p>Grandson of the legendary explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Fabien Cousteau is building an “International Space Station of the Ocean”</p><p>Aquanaut, documentary filmmaker, co-founder and chairman of PROTEUS™, his name is synonymous with ocean exploration. Today, Fabien Cousteau continues to fulfill his family’s legacy of protecting and preserving the planet’s endangered marine inhabitants and habitats.

Robbie Bach

<p>Robbie Bach draws from his unparalleled career building the team at Microsoft that created Xbox to help organizations build resilient, innovative, and growth-oriented cultures in our competitive and rapidly-changing world.</p><p>Robbie Bach is a true practitioner of innovation and growth across numerous industries and company profiles. Whether he is operating in a fledgling business, a mid-sized growth company, or a Fortune 500 titan like Microsoft, Robbie offers real-world leadership tools and practical strategies to harness change, generate new ideas, and drive growth

William Espey

<p>The multi-award-winning visionary behind Chipotle, William Espey shares his recipe for connecting authentically and powerfully with customers and employees.</p><p>William Espey is a branding expert known for his pivotal role in creating and developing one of the most significant and successful brands of the last quarter century—Chipotle Mexican Grill. As the company’s “brand voice” for an almost twenty-year run, he played a crucial role in cultivating its growth from its early entrepreneurial roots to the multi-billion dollar chain it became in the U.S. and abroad.

Doc Hendley

<p>In 2003 Doc Hendley dreamed up the concept of Wine To Water while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, North Carolina. In January of 2004 he held his first fundraiser and by August was living in Darfur, Sudan installing water systems for victims of the government-supported genocide.</p>

John Replogle

<p>As a current Partner at One Better Ventures and the former CEO of Seventh Generation, John Replogle continues spreading sustainable business practices around the globe. A proven visionary, he helped to make Seventh Generation -- the leading brand of green cleaners, recycled toilet paper, and paper towels -- more stylish and innovative while beating the competition.</p><p>Replogle is also the former head of Burt&#39;s Bees, North America&#39;s #1 producer of natural personal care products, and he led the company&#39;s deepened commitment to human and environm

Robert Glennon

<p>Robert Glennon is the go-to resource for any group that wants to understand why protecting our water supply is as much an economic issue as an environmental one.</p><p>With his deep grasp of the scientific, historical, economic and legal issues associated with America&#39;s water predicament, Robert gives audiences a comprehensive understanding of why a water shortage is imminent and what it will take to save the country&#39;s dwindling supply.</p><p>Robert expertly captured the tragedy and irony of the water crisis in his <i>New York Times<