Fabien Cousteau

<p>Grandson of the legendary explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Fabien Cousteau is building an “International Space Station of the Ocean”</p><p>Aquanaut, documentary filmmaker, co-founder and chairman of PROTEUS™, his name is synonymous with ocean exploration. Today, Fabien Cousteau continues to fulfill his family’s legacy of protecting and preserving the planet’s endangered marine inhabitants and habitats. With audiences, he draws from his incredible adventures and vast knowledge to promote environmental discipline and innovative solutions that balance the realities of market economies with the imperative of protecting the planet.</p><p>Named to <em>Fast Company</em>’s List of World Changing Ideas in 2022, Cousteau’s PROTEUS™ is the future of commercial ocean research and exploration. When complete, this state-of-the-art, modular, sustainable underwater habitat, observatory and research platform will enable researchers and aquanauts from around the world to live and work at-depth, unlocking scientific breakthroughs that will aid in solving the most pressing issues the Earth is facing. As companies large and small act decisively to embrace Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), Cousteau shows audiences why what’s good for the environment is also good for business.</p><p>On stage, Fabien exudes enthusiasm as he combines tales from his underwater voyages with stories from his nonprofit and foundation work to demonstrate the need for bold and innovative thinking among individuals and corporations to progress conservation efforts worldwide. Audiences come away inspired and empowered to unleash their own curiosity and to do their part to enable a better and more sustainable future.</p><p><br></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong style="color: black; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><em>“People protect what they love, they love what they understand, and they understand what they are taught.”</em></strong></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong style="color: black; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><em> –Jacques Yves Cousteau </em></strong></p>

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Aquanaut; Filmmaker; Co-Founder and Chair of Proteus™; Grandson of Legendary Explorer Jacques Cousteau

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>What&#39;s Good for the Environment is Good for Business</strong></li><li> As companies large and small act decisively to embrace Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) best practices, Cousteau shows audiences why what’s good for the environment is good for business. In this illuminating presentation, Cousteau makes the connection between business and the environment illustrating how corporate America’s commitment to sustainability bolsters the economy and provides a solid foundation for shareholder, customer, and employee trust. </li><li><strong>What I Learned from Spending 31 Days Underwater</strong></li><li> In 1963, Jacques Cousteau lived for 30 days in an underwater laboratory positioned on the floor of the Red Sea and set a world record in the process. Now, his oldest grandson, Fabien Cousteau, has broken that record—by one day. Cousteau the younger lived for 31 days aboard the Aquarius, an underwater research laboratory nine miles off the coast of Florida. In this inspiring multi-media presentation, he brings his wondrous adventure to life to show audiences why we all need (metaphorically) to be aquanauts who dream and adventure and create miracles that can protect the oceans and planet our children will inherit.  </li><li><strong>One Ocean, One People</strong></li><li>Whether a thousand miles away skiing on top of a mountain or living on the beach, water is the earth’s great circulatory system. Yet this rare and crucial element is often taken for granted because we are seemingly surrounded by infinite amounts of the precious liquid. Drawing on his thrilling marine expeditions, inspirational speaker Fabien Cousteau shares stories of indigenous Amazon tribes, diving with whales, and pushing the limits of adventure to discover this bond we all share thru water, what it means, and why we should care.</li><li><strong>Aquanaut</strong></li><li>Everyone knows what an astronaut is, but few have ever heard the term “aquanaut.” Originally coined “oceanauts” by his grandfather, the legendary Jacques-Yves Cousteau, aquanauts are a very rare breed and subject to many similar extreme environment situations as their space jockey cousins. Fabien Cousteau will take you on a hair-raising inner-space journey to becoming an aquanaut during his famous Mission 31, all while breaking records and generating amazing new scientific discoveries during the unique mission. Ultimately, children and adults alike will dream of exploration in a whole new, aquatic way.</li><li><strong>Boiling Ocean</strong></li><li>Although there is little debate internationally that something is going drastically awry with our weather patterns in the last few decades, very little attention has been paid to the underlying current and implications from climate change in our ocean world. As an ocean explorer and diver for almost five decades, Fabien Cousteau has been eyewitness to its drastic effects just below the blue veneer and the tidal waves of problems coming onto the horizon as a result. Ignorance is not bliss if we want to envision a better future for our children. By sharing his unique perspective from “the bottom up” Fabien drives to motivate, inspire and create opportunities for us to change the course we have set for ourselves.</li></ul>

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What's good for the environment is good for business.
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<b>This celebrated aquanaut is a passionate advocate for environmental sustainability whose explorations highlight the power of curiosity to create meaningful change.</b>
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Fabien Cousteau, Ocean Adventures, Inspirational Speaker, Campus Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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