<p>Jack Shaw is an Innovation and Change Management Strategist with more than 30 years&#39; experience helping leaders transform their organizations&#39; digital ecosystems amid new waves of technology. A Global Thought Leader, he was voted one of the World&#39;s Top 25 Speakers and one of the Top Five Technology Futurists in polls conducted by Speaking.com. </p><p>Jack has shared his insights and advice with nearly 300,000 of the world&#39;s top leaders and professionals. Having a sensible, practical approach to how tomorrow&#39;s new technologies will drive change and spur innovation, Jack has advised key decision-makers at such Fortune 500 organizations as Mercedes Benz, Bosch, GE, Coca-Cola, IBM, Oracle, and SAP.</p><p>Jack integrates his executive experience in Industry, technology, and consulting to speak on Innovation, Change Management, and Transformational Leadership. And, he brings decades of experience designing, developing, and implementing emerging technologies to speak with a deep understanding of such current leading-edge technologies as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, 5G, and the Internet of Things.</p><p>Jack has delivered over 1,000 keynote presentations and executive forums in 26 countries and every state across the U.S. He is a Yale University graduate, and he holds a Kellogg MBA degree specializing in Finance and Marketing.</p>

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Executive Director of the American Blockchain Council & Technology Futurist

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<ul><li><strong>Artificial Intelligence: Avoiding Strategic Blunders</strong></li><li>In an age where AI technologies like ChatGPT and Google Bard are transforming our world, it&#39;s crucial to understand not just their immediate applications, but their longterm impact. This keynote, "Navigating AI&#39;s Transformative Era: Avoiding Strategic Blunders," addresses this vital need. </li><li>Jack Shaw explores AI&#39;s potential to reshape industries, societies, and global economies, highlighting recent advancements and their implications. He delves into the importance of a strategic, long-term vision to leverage AI effectively, and why simply focusing on short-term implementation can be the biggest strategic blunder. </li><li>Through compelling Near Future Scenarios, Jack illustrates the transformative power of AI in various sectors, urging leaders to develop strategies that anticipate and shapethis rapidly evolving landscape.</li><li><strong>ChatGPT, AI, and Your Future</strong></li><li>Few new technologies have exploded into our awareness like ChatGPT. Within a week of its initial release November 30, 2022, ChatGPT had millions of people signed on as early testers. Since that time, everyone from journalists to talk show hosts have been discussing ChatGPT and its pros and cons.</li><li>In this presentation, Jack Shaw discusses the capabilities of ChatGPT and related AI developments. He explains how it generates coherent and human-like responses. And he’ll discuss the impact of ChatGPT and AI on various industries and professions.</li><li>He’ll also explore the ethical considerations surrounding the use of ChatGPT and similar AI models. The ability of these models to generate convincing text raises important questions about the potential misuse of this technology. He’ll discuss the importance of responsible development and use of AI models, particularly in light of recent controversies surrounding deepfakes and other forms of synthetic media.</li><li>Additionally, Jack will cover recent advances in AI research beyond ChatGPT. These advances have significant implications for a wide range of industries and offer exciting opportunities for innovation and growth.</li><li>This presentation on ChatGPT and related AI developments will offer valuable insights into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of business and society. It will be of great interest to business executives who are seeking to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field. </li><li><strong>BLOCKCHAIN IN THE ENTERPRISE</strong></li><li>Blockchain technologies are redefining business models and processes in every industry: manufacturing, distribution, retail, healthcare, energy, transportation, and governmental agencies. Jack describes how your organization can benefit too.</li><li><strong>BITCOIN, CRYPTOCURRENCY, & DeFi</strong></li><li>Discover how crypto and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s) are changing the landscape for payments and financial services, and how decentralized finance (DeFi) will disrupt everything from borrowing and lending to securities trading and insurance.</li><li><strong>EXTRACTING REAL VALUE FROM ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</strong></li><li>AI is transforming business, society, and the world. Jack shares real-world examples of how leading businesses are using Al to reduce costs, improve service, and spark innovation.  </li><li><strong>5G & IoT: THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING</strong></li><li>From connected cars to smart cities, remote robotic surgery, and self-configuring factory floors, 5G and IoT are about to deeply disrupt your business and your industry. Jack shows you how to design your 5G/IoT strategy for competitive advantage.</li><li><strong>THE METAVERSE: WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR ME AND MY ORGANIZATION? </strong></li><li>How Extended Reality, AI, and Blockchain are creating a new paradigm for business and society. Learn about NFT’s and DAO’s. And see how they’ll integrate to create highly immersive, virtual experiences that transform how we interact and do business.</li></ul>

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<p><b>Executive Director of the American Blockchain Council & Technology Futurist</b></p>
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<p>Jack Shaw, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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