Andrew Busch

<p>Economic Futurist Andrew Busch converts today’s chaos into tomorrow’s growth opportunities. Drawing from his in-depth research, he covers the economy, public policy and elections, and supercharged trends including AI, future of work, and climate, to help businesses stay resilient and achieve optimal growth.  </p><p>Andrew Busch is the former 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for the US government, and an economic futurist at For the CFTC, he was charged with improving and enhancing the government’s understanding of the markets and the economy. Now he shares his expert insights and comprehensive research with business audiences, providing a crystal ball into the economic future in intensely informative and highly entertaining keynotes.</p><p>Prior to joining the CFTC, Andrew was CEO and founder of a boutique financial markets and policy research firm, Bering Productions, Inc (BPI). Before BPI, he was the Global Currency and Public Policy Strategist for Bank of Montreal (BMO) in Chicago. He is author of the book <em>World Event Trading,</em> which covers large crises, like infectious disease outbreaks and war, and their impact on the economy and markets. </p><p>Today, his wide range of clients includes companies in the chemicals, financial services, energy, real estate, manufacturing, construction and agriculture industries.</p><p><br></p>

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Economic futurist and former Chief Market Intelligence officer for the US government at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Trump Wins : Growth Opportunities</strong></li><li>The 2024 US election is over and former President Trump won in a “red wave.” Trump will have a Republican Senate ready to pass his nominees and his agenda. This victory will likely bring big changes for US legislation, regulations and economy. How will this outcome impact regulations, fiscal spending, trade, the Supreme Court and Federal Reserve interest rate policy? </li><li>Most importantly, how will the elections impact your business? </li><li>As an economic futurist, Andrew Busch worked at the highest levels of the US government when a power shift occurred and provides his insights into answering all these questions. Most importantly, he gives you an outlook for the growth opportunities coming from these changes for your industry and members.</li><li><strong>Future Economy: Growth Opportunities</strong></li><li>The world is going to see more economic change in the next 5 years than we have seen in the last 100 years. Just as the US was getting over the worst of COVID, Russia invaded and China shutdown ports due to COVID. War in the Ukraine, inflation soaring, interest rates spiking, exponential advances in artificial intelligence, supply chains crashing are all examples of the speed of change.</li><li>But how did we get here? More importantly, where do we go from here? As a futurist and economist, Andy dives deep into exploring how innovation, policy changes and societal shifts (war) drive opportunities for clients. He provides context by doing a “where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going” for the economy. He takes the trends super charged by COVID & war, then applies them to your industry via a case study to show where money is flowing, and opportunities are growing.</li><li><strong>AI Unleashed: Disrupting the Economy and Shaping the Future</strong></li><li>In this compelling and visionary keynote, Andy dives deep into the far-reaching effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on economic growth, job creation, and politics, unraveling the complex interplay between these crucial domains. Embark with the former 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for the US govt. on a fascinating journey uncovering the potential of AI to redefine the global landscape, and learning how to adapt and thrive in this new era of unprecedented change.</li><li>Andrew Busch is known for his ability to simplify complex topics, uncover hidden trends, and spark lively discussions. With his signature blend of enthusiasm, wit, and insight, he's about to shed light on the most significant technological advancement of our time - Artificial Intelligence.</li><li><strong>Future Work: Growth Opportunities</strong></li><li>If the world feels like it’s speeding up, that’s because it is. Technological changes via cloud computing, computer speed and algorithmic modeling are advancing more rapidly than anyone could’ve guessed five years ago. The tumult they will create for the economy and jobs is part of the chaos we can expect going forward.</li><li>But what are the growth opportunities for those entering the workforce today? How will the reshaping of our economy drive change and demand for new skills? Which jobs will be phased out and which ones will survive? </li><li>As an economic futurist, Andrew Busch speaks with CEOs and top managers for every business sector as he creates research on the future economy for his clients. From financial services to plastics, Andy gets the inside scoop on what the top business minds consider challenges and future growth opportunities.</li></ul>

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<p>Andrew Busch, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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