Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

<p>Drawing insights from a treasure trove of personal, family, and historical anecdotes, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. shares his expertise and political insider’s view on a wide range of topics, from politics and foreign policy to public health and the environment.</p><p>Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. built his career as a legal advocate for the environment and children’s health. In recognition of his success in helping to restore the Hudson River and New York’s drinking water, and winning landmark cases against the world’s biggest polluters, <em>TIME</em> magazine named Kennedy one of its “Heroes for the Planet,” and <em>Rolling Stone</em> magazine one of its “100 Agents of Change.”</p><p>After working for a decade with commercial and recreational fishermen to successfully restore the Hudson River, Kennedy co-founded the Waterkeeper Alliance in 1993. He served as its longtime president and helped grow the organization into the world’s largest clean water advocacy group, with over a million volunteers in 47 countries. In 2014 he co-founded Children’s Health Defense, which quickly became a juggernaut in the movement for medical freedom and against pharmaceutical control of the public health agencies. In 2023 he followed the footsteps of his uncle, John F. Kennedy, and father Robert F. Kennedy to run for President, first as a Democrat and then as an independent. He suspended his campaign in August 2024 to bring his priorities of health, environmental protection, free speech, peace, and honest government to campaign for former President Donald Trump.</p><p>Kennedy is the author of hundreds of articles in publications from <em>TIME</em>, <em>Newsweek</em>, <em>The New York Times</em>, <em>The Washington Post</em>, <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>, <em>The Atlantic, Esquire, Outside, Rolling Stone</em>, and many others. He has written fifteen books, including several <em>New York Times</em> bestsellers.</p><p>Kennedy’s lifelong battles to protect the environment, preserve public health, and end our national addiction to forever wars have won him powerful enemies and led to his demonization by Big Pharma, Big Ag, the processed food industry, the military industrial complex, and the corporate media. Tucker Carlson has called him “the most courageous and the most unfairly vilified and demonized public figure in recent American history.”</p><p>Kennedy outlines how Americans can fight back against the worldwide emergence of totalitarianism. He details strategies for unraveling the corrupt merger of state and corporate power so as to improve our food, regenerate our soil, restore our public health, halt our slide into a censorship, surveillance, and warfare state, and to revive America’s moral authority in the world.</p>

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Robert F.
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Public Health and Environmental Activist, Author, Trial Lawyer, Business Leader, and Former Presidential Candidate

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Why Environmental Policy Equals Good Business Policy</strong></li><li>Kennedy served for a decade as a partner in VantagePoint, the world’s largest cleantech investment firm. In that role, he worked to build numerous cleantech corporations and sustainable energy projects. Kennedy argues that “good environmental policy, 100% of the time, is identical to sound economic policy.” His books <em>Crimes Against Nature</em> (2004) and <em>The Riverkeepers</em> (1997) show how political corruption transforms free-market capitalism into a corrupt form of crony capitalism that undermines the country’s environmental security. Kennedy says that all pollution is a subsidy. “You show me a polluter, and I’ll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market.”</li><li>Sustainable business and energy independence are therefore keys to America’s economic revitalization. With his trademark passion and topical expertise, Kennedy outlines how a sophisticated, well-crafted energy policy will help sharpen American competitiveness and U.S. energy independence while reducing energy costs and our national debt. Energy independence is also the fulcrum for solid U.S. foreign policy and national security. Kennedy offers a bold vision to restore U.S. economic might, safeguard our environment, and re-establish America’s role as an exemplary nation.</li><li><strong>Public Health/Children’s Health</strong></li><li>Several of Kennedy’s books (<em>The Real Anthony Fauci</em>, <em>Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak</em>, <em>Vax-Unvax</em>, and <em>A Letter to Liberals</em>) address the epidemic of chronic disease in America and its link to corruption of public health agencies — USDA, NIH, CDC, and FDA — by the Big Ag, and Big Food, and the pharmaceutical industry. Kennedy shares his perspective that for these industries, “the most valuable asset in America is a sick child.” Kennedy is the founder and served as longtime President of Children’s Health Defense, an advocacy group against the causes of chronic disease. Kennedy argues for the importance of strong science, evidence-based medicine, and medical freedom and informed choice, and unconflicted regulatory agencies that will keep pharmaceutical companies from commoditizing our children, and making America healthy again.</li><li><strong>American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family</strong></li><li>Drawing from his book by the same name, Kennedy explores how family has shaped his principles and his perspective on politics. Kennedy reveals insights on the story of a great nation as seen through the eyes of one of its most iconic families. With his trademark candor, he shares poignant moments with his father Robert F. Kennedy and uncle John F. Kennedy, what their lives taught him about public service, and how his outdoor upbringing planted the seed for his lifelong passion for the environment. He inspires his audiences with forceful vision on how we can recapture the enduring values and principles from that era that made America the greatest nation on Earth, and how our finest days can still lie ahead.</li><li><strong>Our Environmental Destiny</strong></li><li>Kennedy discusses the role that natural resources play in our work, our health, and our identity as Americans. A passionate environmental speaker, he reminds us that we have a responsibility to protect and preserve our planet for future generations.</li><li><strong>Foreign Policy</strong></li><li>Following his family tradition, Kennedy has been a lifelong critic of the military-industrial complex and intelligence apparatus that sought to stoke a pandemic of forever wars that had turned America into an imperium abroad and a national security state at home.</li></ul>

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<p><b>Known for his passion for the environment, this activist and son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy makes the case for well-crafted energy policies.</b></p>
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Robert Kennedy Jr., Inspirational Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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