Ambassador Scott Brown

<p>From the global economy, war in Ukraine, and U.S.-China relations to the 2024 elections and the increasing polarization of America, former Ambassador Scott Brown helps audiences consider what’s next and what the impact on business and the economy will be.</p><p>An established conservative leader and strong believer in collaboration, Senator Brown rose to national prominence when he succeeded Ted Kennedy as the first Republican elected to the U.S Senate from Massachusetts in more than 40 years. During his tenure he served in many capacities, including as a ranking member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and as a member of the Committee on Small Business. His long history of public service includes his many years in the Massachusetts legislature before he was elected to Congress. Most recently, he was the U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand.</p><p>Drawing from his experiences as a Washington insider and a bipartisan creator of growth across various industry sectors, Senator Brown offers nuanced insights on the impact of national politics to your organization and industry. From energy policy and questions of national security to congressional ethics and immigration, audiences will gain a deeper understanding of how federal policy, legislation, and the actions of movers and shakers on Capitol Hill could influence the trajectory of businesses and the economy, today and in the future.</p>

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Visionary Conservative Leader; Former Ambassador, U.S. Senator, and State Legislator

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The Future of a Divided America: The 2024 Election and What’s Next?</strong></li><li>Our current climate of hyper-partisanship and polarization have taken a toll on society, the lives of individuals and the economy. Scott Brown’s long career in public service and his reputation as a leader committed to bipartisan policymaking inform his deeply perceptive analysis of the state of the country and the most important issues today. His balanced perspective is particularly valuable for conversations around the upcoming 2024 elections. With candor and insight, he asks how the Republican and Democratic parties might adapt and evolve to come together to move the nation and the economy forward. </li><li><strong>Global Affairs in the (Approaching) Post Pandemic World: Threats, Challenges and Opportunities for the U.S. and Its Allies</strong></li><li>Having served in high-level positions as a U.S. Senator and in the diplomatic world, Senator Brown is recognized as one of the leading experts in foreign affairs, particularly the Asia-Pacific region and Russia. As U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand from 2017-2020, Brown focused on jobs creation between the two countries and on protecting the interest of the United States and Pacific Rim in the face of an increasingly aggressive China policy in the region. Given current upheavals in the Ukraine, ongoing trade and supply chain and national security concerns, Brown’s expert perspective is a valuable resource for audiences wanting to understand the broader impact of global events on U.S. policy, politics, the economy and specific industry segments.</li></ul>

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<p>This former Massachusetts senator and champion for jobs offers an insider’s perspective on the impact of ever-changing federal policy and legislation to business and industry. </p>
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Senator Scott Brown, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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