Ambassador Scott Brown

<p>From the global economy, war in Ukraine, and U.S.-China relations to the 2024 elections and the increasing polarization of America, former Ambassador Scott Brown helps audiences consider what’s next and what the impact on business and the economy will be.</p><p>An established conservative leader and strong believer in collaboration, Senator Brown rose to national prominence when he succeeded Ted Kennedy as the first Republican elected to the U.S Senate from Massachusetts in more than 40 years.

Secretary Tom Price & Former Senator Tom Daschle

<p>It’s no secret that America is split by a partisan divide- one which can be summarized by left vs right. In the polarizing political environment of today, one of the most pressing and hot-button issues is that of healthcare reform. Unfortunately, the discourse of policy-makers on the matter is often infected with partisan and tribal approaches, which make it difficult to productively discuss and progress on the matter. </p><p>In this lively discussion, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and former Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr.