<p>Drawing from his 30 years of political service, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle is one of the country’s foremost experts on the issues surrounding healthcare, healthcare reform and our healthcare delivery system. His knowledge of disease outbreaks and pandemics, and their impact on the healthcare system and economy, are of great relevance in today’s world. </p><p>As the architect of President Obama&#39;s healthcare plan, Senator Daschle is especially well-informed about the law’s evolution and implementation. Known for working across the aisle in the Senate and as founder of the Bipartisan Policy Center, he also co-authored <i>Crisis Point</i> with fellow Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, to sound an alarm on the current polarization within America’s governing body.</p><p>As Senator Daschle delves into complex issues with expert clarity, he connects how current policy actions are relevant to audience members, as well as how potential future scenarios could impact specific industries. Take away a clear and comprehensive outlook on what to anticipate from our legislators, to effectively prepare your organization for what’s next.</p>

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Former Senate Majority Leader

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Preparing for Global Crisis with Comprehensive, Cohesive Strategy</strong></li><li>One of the country’s foremost experts on healthcare and policy, the former Senate Majority Leader and founder and chairman of The Daschle Group brings an extensive understanding of how flu-like pandemics impact our healthcare delivery system and economy. Sen. Daschle shares his thoughts on hot-button issues such as improving our response capability, testing, and enhancing our medical infrastructure. In this virtual presentation, he outlines an approach to enhance our preparedness and transition from the current incremental response mode to a more comprehensive and cohesive national strategy.</li><li><strong>Global Challenges & Opportunities</strong></li><li>Today, global interdependence has never been more critical to peace, stability, and economic prosperity. Recognized for his foreign affairs expertise, Daschle dissects the threats and opportunities confronting the U.S. and its allies. As he reflects on the importance of America’s role as a world leader, he simultaneously assesses the risks posed by Russia, North Korea, the Middle East and others, and what is necessary to achieve global accord. Daschle delivers an evaluation of international affairs—with solutions for securing our country and creating new opportunities for American business.</li><li><strong>Healthcare Reform in the Biden Administration</strong></li><li>As the architect of the Affordable Care Act, Daschle shares insights on the current state of healthcare and the political and economic factors likely to influence policy and shape legislation. Daschle identifies challenges and opportunities as he discusses what to expect from the White House and Congress and how it will affect the U.S. economy, making the case for bipartisanship to deter market uncertainties. He breaks down one of the most pressing and divisive issues in American policy and the various impacts to your industry, organization and employees in 2021 and beyond.</li><li><strong>What Has Happened To America?</strong></li><li>With 30 years on the forefront of historic bipartisan public policy efforts, Daschle delves into America’s current polarized climate, and previous endeavors that were successful due to bilateral agreement to illustrate the power of collaboration and the dangers in fueling divisiveness. Take away an in-depth understanding of what has happened to America—and how to get us back on track. Also available as a discussion with fellow former Senate Majority Leader Republican Trent Lott.</li></ul>

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<b>Gain valuable perspective on the current political landscape and what to expect going forward from this former Senate majority leader and healthcare reform advocate. </b>
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Senator Tom Daschle, Business Speaker, Former Senate Majority Leader, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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