<p>Kevin Hines, who survived a suicide attempt by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge, inspires and educates others about living mentally healthy in the hopes of preventing more suicides.</p>

<p>Kevin is a best-selling author, documentary filmmaker, and suicide prevention and mental health advocate who has reached millions with his inspiring personal story of unlikely survival. At age 19, two years after he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, he attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. Since then, Kevin&#39;s strong will to live and stay mentally well has inspired people worldwide, and his journey to wellness has become a bridge of hope between life and death to others who seek ways to overcome mental pain and suffering.</p>

<p>A Lifetime Achievement Award honoree by The National Council for Community Behavioral Health, he is also the author of the best-seller, <i>Cracked Not Broken: Surviving and Thriving After a Suicide Attempt</i>. He was featured in the acclaimed film <i>The Bridge</i>, and has produce a documentary entitled <i>Suicide: The Ripple Effect </i> which is now available via the Theatrical On Demand platform.</p>

<p>Kevin spreads encouraging messages about living mentally healthy and the importance of seeking help and support during times of crisis, while underscoring the power of the human spirit to guide us in finding meaning, gratitude, and purpose in life. Candid, upbeat and full of hope and healing, he touches the hearts and minds of audiences everywhere as he delivers practical yet powerful skills for building a life-long mental wellness toolkit for oneself, and for your loved ones.</p>

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Suicide Survivor, Wellness Advocate, Best-Selling Author & Documentary Filmmaker

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<ul><li><Strong>Cracked Not Broken</Strong></li><li>Kevin shares his story of hope and celebration of life. Kevin Hines is a mental health advocate, global speaker, best-selling author, documentary filmmaker and entrepreneur who reaches audiences all over the world with his story of an unlikely survival and his strong will to live. Two years after he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (at 19 years of age), he attempted to take his own life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. He is one of only 34 (less than 1%) to survive the fall and he is the only Golden Gate Bridge jump survivor who is actively spreading the message of living mentally healthy around the globe.</li><li><Strong>The Art of Wellness</Strong></li><li>Kevin’s discusses his process for wellness, resilience and recovery. In order to be self-aware and cognizant of his mental wellness, Kevin has developed a 10-step evidence-informed regimen to stay on track and monitor the signs of falling off track. Clinical studies are discussed that prove why these are important to maintain wellness for everyone, not just those with a diagnosed mental illness. Audiences come away with a knowledge of how to build their own toolkit for maintaining their mental wellness, as well as the wellness of their loved ones.</li></ul>

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<p><b>The mental wellness advocate and suicide survivor shares his uplifting story of survival in the hopes of saving the lives of others, reminding audiences that they are not alone.</b></p>
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<p>Kevin Hines, College Speaker, Keppler Speakrs Bureau</p>
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