Our Mental Health Speakers bring mental wellness and resilience to the forefront of the conversation. They offer hope and optimism as they facilitate open discussions around challenging subjects such as suicide awareness and self-injury.

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Mental Health & Wellness
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Mental Health & Wellness

Justin Wren

<p>Sharing his remarkable story of battling addiction and depression through finding his purpose, Justin “The Big Pygmy” Wren helps audiences overcome challenges, improve performance, and create lasting impact—in business and in life.</p>

Alison Mariella Désir

<p>Alison Mariella Désir inspires audiences to find meaning and wellbeing through the transformational power of running, movement and the outdoors. </p><p>Research shows a powerful connection between movement and positive health outcomes. For Alison Mariella Desir, the bestselling author of <em>Running While Black</em>, running saved her life, connected her to community, and helped her find her purpose. </p><p>Alison got her start in the running and outdoor industry unintentionally, after seeing a Black friend train and complete a marathon.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau

<p>With her authentic style and trademark joie de vivre, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is an inspiring advocate for emotional literacy, equality and mental health—sharing anecdotes from her own personal journey.</p><p>As the former unofficial First Lady of Canada, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has been not only an illustrious role model on the public stage, but she has worked tirelessly to advocate for mental health, female empowerment, emotional literacy, gender equality and conscious leadership.</p><p>Combining insight from top psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, a

Jessamyn Stanley

<p>Jessamyn Stanley is an award winning yoga instructor, founder of The Underbelly, and author of <em>Every Body Yoga</em> and <em>Yoke</em>. She empowers her audience of 500k+ to break down barriers: both those that society has set and that they have set for themselves. </p><p>Jessamyn&#39;s work in the wellness space centers around being in community and creating space for students to restore and honor their authentic selves.

Hal Elrod

<p>Hal shares the power of habit and discipline based on his international bestseller The Miracle Morning which sold over 2.5 million copies, went viral and inspired an online movement. </p><p>Hal’s simple (but not-obvious) morning routine went viral and inspired a global movement.

Johnny Crowder

<p>Mental health CEO and entrepreneur Johnny Crowder tackles one of the most pressing strategic concerns in business today—employee wellbeing—and reveals keys to creating a better sense of belonging, headspace, and heartspace in the workplace.  </p><p>The founder and CEO of the globally-utilized, positive psychology startup Cope Notes, Johnny Crowder gives audiences practical self-care tools and mental health strategies that people can start using now to improve their emotional health and wellbeing.

Autumn Rose Williams

<p>Autumn Rose *Miskweminanocsqua (Raspberry Star Woman)* Williams was born and raised on the Shinnecock Reservation in Southampton, New York. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications and a Minor in Business.

Michelle Gielan

<p>Michelle Gielan has spent the past decade researching the link between happiness and success. She is the bestselling author of <i>Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change</i> and was named one of the Top 10 authors on resilience by the <i>Harvard Business Review</i>. </p><p>Michelle holds an advanced degree in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is an Executive Producer of <i>The Happiness Advantage </i>on PBS and a featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course.

Laurie Hernandez

<p>After bringing home the gold and silver medals at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, Laurie Hernandez went on to win the coveted mirror ball trophy on <em>Dancing with the Stars</em>, and to publish two books:<em> I Got This: To Gold</em> <em>and Beyond</em>, in 2017, and a picture book for children,<em> She’s Got This</em>, in 2018. Both were <em>New York Times </em>bestsellers.

Captain Sandy Yawn

<p>Captain Sandy is a leader, hero and businesswoman whose exceptional leadership style has helped her to break through every obstacle in her path – from the glass ceilings and near-fatal accidents on land to pirates and fires at sea!</p>