<p>Author, consultant and futurist Dr. Ian Morrison writes and lectures on a wide variety of forecasting, strategy, and healthcare topics for government, industry, and a number of nonprofit organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia. Using a multi-faceted approach, combining survey research and policy analysis, he helps public and private organizations plan the future of healthcare.</p><p>The author of "Leading Change in Health Care: Building a Viable System for Today and Tomorrow" and "Healthcare in the New Millennium: Vision, Values and Leadership", he also wrote New York Times<i> </i>and Businessweek best seller "The Second Curve --Managing The Velocity of Change".</p><p>Speaking to a range of audiences from the boards of Fortune 100 companies to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, Ian Morrison has also worked with more than 100 Fortune 500 companies in health care, manufacturing, information technology, and financial services, including Microsoft, Pfizer and Kaiser Permanente. He is a frequent commentator on television, radio, and the print media.</p><p>Combining research and consulting skills with his keen Scottish wit, Ian Morrison is a lively keynote speaker who focuses on the political, economic, and strategic context of change in the healthcare industry. He examines how various health entities are preparing for the future, and identifies the leadership challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, providing insights on how organizations and individuals can flourish.</p>
Healthcare Author, Consultant, and Futurist
<ul><li><b>The Future of the Healthcare Marketplace: What’s Next?</b></li><li>The Trump Administration's commitment to Repeal and Replace Obamacare is causing all stakeholders to re-examine strategy and respond to a potentially dramatic shift in the policy and regulatory environment. Organizations and individuals need to be flexible to adjust to a new reform agenda, including the push for more widespread reimbursement reform, changes in coverage, growth in transparency and accountability, and the relentless quest for value in healthcare driven by patients and purchasers. This presentation will focus on the political, economic, and strategic context of change in healthcare, describe the possible scenarios we face and examine how the various actors are preparing for the future. Drawing on experience from around the country and around the world, it will identify the leadership challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and will provide strategic insights on how organizations and individuals can flourish in the future.</li></ul>