Connie Podesta

Connie Podesta is a game-changing, revenue-building, idea-generating ball of fire whose rare blend of humor, substance, and style have made her one of the most in-demand speakers in the world today. 25 years. Two million people. 1000 organizations. Hall of Fame speaker. Award-winning author.  Seven books. Former Radio/TV personality. Therapist for 30 years. Expert on the psychology of sales, leadership, change, life balance and getting your act together!  Plus (what we all probably could use in today’s crazy world) …a Comedienne.

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Author, <em>10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd</em>

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>StandOut Communication...Life Would Be Easy If It Weren't For Other People</strong></li><li>Imagine what you could accomplish if you could decode the mystery of human behavior and truly understand what makes people do what they do and say what they say (including yourself!). Research shows that the #1 key to SUCCESS in any industry or organization is the ability to get along with other people, personally and professionally. Now that's something to really think about, right? That means with a deeper understanding of human behavior you could lead better. Communicate better. Sell better. Parent better. Live better. Negotiate better. The list goes on and on.</li><li>With laugh-out-loud humor, killer take-away strategies, powerful pops of psychology and her amazing insights into others (including a few who "drive you crazy"). Connie Podesta, an Expert in the Psychology of Human Behavior, will take you right inside the minds and personalities of the people you connect with every day both at work and home — bosses, colleagues, partners, customers, significant others, friends, and family -- so YOU can ACT, rather than REACT to whatever situations or people throw your way. In other words, you'll be able to read between the lines – making navigating conversations and negotiating your needs a thousand times easier. Want the secret communication insights and rare psychological know-how to build, maintain and grow your relationships and business to a whole new level? Then this is totally the session for you!</li><li><strong>StandOut Sales...Like You've Never Heard It Before!</strong></li><li>“Sales” looks, sounds and feels very different today.  Why? Because today's customers/clients are really good at recognizing, resisting and retreating when they are being "manipulated”, “techniqued”, or caught up in a canned script loop they can’t get out of. And frankly, most sales professionals don’t want to play that game anymore either! Yay! Enter Connie Podesta, an expert in sales and negotiation, who uses laugh-out-loud humor, a pop of psychology, and her engaging, interactive delivery style to take you deep inside the minds of the unique customers you are negotiating with today. But... no way is that enough. She also demonstrates how you, the salesperson, can use these powerful rarely-shared insights to make the entire sales process a better experience for everyone. How cool is that! So? Are you interested in increased financial success? Eager to have happier, more satisfied customers? Waiting for an influx of new, potential buyers wanting to do business with... YOU? Then don't miss this session--it's just what you've been waiting for...and much, much more!</li><li>Voted One of the "Top 41 Motivational Speakers Who Can Energize Any Sales Team" by Resourceful Selling Magazine</li><li><strong>StandOut Leadership...Like You've Never Heard It Before!</strong></li><li>From hiring to INSPIRING - LEADERSHIP today is about being the calm in the storm. The role model extraordinaire, the rational, respected mediator, the tough, but fair negotiator, and the step-up example your team needs to succeed in both good times and bad. Especially the bad. Sound like what you need? Then you've certainly come to the right place to pull all the important leadership pieces together. Connie Podesta, an expert in the Psychology of Human Behavior and Leadership, uses her signature blend of comedy, incredible pops of psychology, and her "tell-it-like-it-is" delivery style to take you inside the minds of even your most difficult employees as well as bosses, co-workers, and even customers. Have fun learning how you can turn negative attitudes into positive, entitlement into accountability, complacency into productivity, complaining into solutions and "that's not my job" into ownership in ANY industry, organization, market condition, or economy.  Get ready to re-imagine what you and your team can do. Starting now!</li></ul>

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Author of <em>10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd</em>
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<p>Connie Podesta, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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