Ben Nemtin

<p>Ben co-founded <em>The Buried Life</em> movement and his message of radical possibility has been featured on <em>The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show,</em> and networks like CNN, FOX, and CBS. </p><p>A decade ago, Ben was knocked off his feet by a heavy depression. To help him feel more alive, he and his three best friends created the world’s greatest bucket list, borrowed a rickety old RV, and crisscrossed North America, achieving the unthinkable. Most importantly, each time a dream was achieved, they helped a complete stranger cross something off their bucket list. The foursome played basketball with President Obama. They had a beer with Prince Harry. They raised over $400,000 for charity and placed a record-breaking $250,000 bet on roulette. Ben’s bucket-list quest has inspired millions to chase their dreams.</p><p>As a mental-health advocate, Ben fights the stigma of mental illness by encouraging open, honest conversations. By showing how his own vulnerabilities have become his strengths and underlining that all humans struggle, he gives others the courage to talk about their own internal battles and normalizes the conversation. An acclaimed keynote speaker, Ben has presented his &#39;5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible&#39; to business conferences and corporate leadership teams around the world, garnering standing ovations from groups like Amazon, FedEx, Harvard, He was recognized as the #2 Motivational Speaker in the World by Global Gurus, just behind the legendary Tony Robbins.</p><p><br></p>

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Named one of the World's Top 30 Organizational Culture Professionals by Global Gurus; Co-founder of MTV's The Buried Life Movement

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<ul><li><strong>5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible</strong></li><li>Whether you need to set bigger goals or reach the ones you already have, Ben will help you get from “ambition” to “accomplishment.”</li><li>Ben’s message of radical possibility combined with his ‘5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible’ leaves audiences not only inspired but also equipped with tools to tackle the seemingly insurmountable. His system of achieving impossible goals demystifies daunting tasks by turning ‘dreams’ into ‘projects’ and creates inspiration through action and accountability.</li><li>Ben reminds us that it’s never too late to start your list and leave your lasting impact on the world.</li><li>As a result of this program, attendees will:<ul><li>Learn how to accomplish seemingly impossible goals (5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible).</li><li>Identify the #1 thing that holds you back from accomplishing your goals.</li><li>Learn Ben’s method to unbury your dreams and keep them unburied.</li><li>Develop a plan of action to drive you forward towards your goals.</li></ul></li><li><strong>LEADING WITH PURPOSE</strong></li><li>Driving teams to thrive today requires new strategies for connecting and getting results. Retention and engagement are major issues as old leadership models don’t deliver like they once did. Effective leaders must go deeper and show empathy and understanding to help teams reach their true potential. When team members truly feel that their leadership and organization cares about their personal and their professional development, that’s where the magic happens.</li><li>One of the best ways to help your team gain purpose is to connect with them around their personal and professional goals. As the lines between personal and professional lives blur, it’s time for leaders to develop the whole person. To learn more, read this <a href="…; target="_blank" style="color: blue;"><b>Forbes article</b></a> featuring Ben and Deepak Chopra about Emotional EQ and Leadership.</li><li>As a result of this program, attendees will learn:<ul><li>A simple framework for connecting with your team around their personal and professional goals</li><li>Build a culture of belonging where team members know it’s ok to ask for help</li><li>Create a renewed feeling of purpose and trust within your team</li><li>Be a servant leader and maximize potential</li><li>Reignite commitment to the organization as people feel the organization is equally committed to them</li></ul></li><li><strong>RETHINKING MENTAL HEALTH</strong></li><li>Ben is a mental health advocate who believes that all humans have ups and they have downs. He believes the stigma around mental illness can be broken through open, honest conversations. However, the onus is not on the 1 in 5 who struggle with mental health to break the stigma, the responsibility falls on all of us.</li><li>By showing how his vulnerabilities have become his strengths, Ben gives others the courage to talk about their internal battles. He shares the tools that help him cope with the stresses of life and emphasizes that it is ok to reach out for help.</li><li>As a result of this program, attendees will:<ul><li>Increase resilience, lower stress and feel equipped to manage the ups and downs of life.</li><li>Build their own ‘Mental Health Toolkit’ of easy to implement practices that increase wellbeing during times of anxiety and burnout.</li><li>Recognize that it’s ok to not be ok.</li><li>Walk away with resources to boost their mental health.</li></ul></li><li><strong>RESILIENCE IN THE FACE OF UNCERTAINTY</strong></li><li>The world is changing faster than we ever imagined, leaders and teams have to dig deep within themselves to break through and find opportunity in uncertain times. Before becoming a #1 NYT best selling author, playing basketball at the White House, having beers with Prince Harry, or living out his other dreams, Ben suffered from crippling depression.</li><li>After committing to a series of positive life changes, Ben had a shift in perspective that changed his outlook on life and opened himself up to endless possibility. From there he committed to following his buried dreams and helping others through acts of service. The rest is history and Ben’s life changing message has opened up audiences around the world to cultures of service, gratitude and endless potential.</li><li>As a result of this program, attendees will:<ul><li>Recognize that all aspects of your life impact your work performance.</li><li>8 practices that increase wellbeing during times of stress, anxiety and burnout (Resilience Toolkit).</li><li>Proof that small acts of service can create a large scale impact in your organization and community.</li><li>Transform your perspective to optimize performance.</li></ul></li></ul><p><br></p>

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<p><b>Named one of the World&#39;s Top 30 Organizational Culture Professionals by Global Gurus; Co-founder of MTV&#39;s <i>The Buried Life</i> Movement</b></p>
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Ben Nemtin, Campus Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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