They are cybercrime fighters, digital pioneers, inventors and hackers (for good). Our diverse roster of leading edge Technology In Business Speakers help you secure critical assets, foster creativity, identify and harness new trends and be the disruptor.

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Scott Galloway

<p>Business guru, NYU marketing professor and thought-leader Scott Galloway offers his irreverent and radically honest take on the future of business, work and technology.</p><p>One of today’s most compelling and provocative commentators on business, Big Tech and our economic future, Scott Galloway is Professor of Marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business and a serial entrepreneur. He was named one of the world’s best business professors by Poets & Quants.

Shawn Kanungo

<p>A globally recognized innovation strategist, Shawn Kanungo works at the intersection of creativity, business, and technology—including generative AI like ChatGPT—to help companies and individuals move boldly into the future.</p><p>Formerly an Innovation Expert for Deloitte, Shawn is a Partner with Queen & Rook, where he advises leading organizations and executives on disruptive trends, and actively invests in early-stage ventures.

Mike Pell

<p>Renowned as an outlaw within the tech industry, Mike Pell is an unapologetic disrupter, having spent over three decades pushing the tech industry’s boundaries well past innovative design and technologies into the realm of true breakthroughs.</p><p>Today, many of those breakthroughs are imbedded in our everyday lives – Apple’s stylized Font menu (1984), pioneering 3D work on the original Metaverse (1995), and most significantly, inventing Adobe Acrobat’s PDF (1990) – which Pell hacked together in a matter of days, bridging what was considered at the time the great insurm

Barbie Brewer

<p>The former Head of Talent at Netflix, Chief Culture Officer at GitLab and Chief People Officer at mParticle shows leaders and teams how to do remote culture well.</p><p>With more than 25 years as a human resources leader with deep expertise in leading distributed organizations, Barbie Brewer has played an integral role in nurturing and growing some of the media and technology industry’s best-known brands, including Netflix, IBM, Cisco, Applied Materials, and ClickUp.</p><p>As head of talent for Netflix from 2011 to 2017, Barbie’s knowledge and leadership hel

Samantha Radocchia

<p>Blockchain pioneer, builder, four-time startup entrepreneur at the intersection of emerging technology and cultural trends.</p><p>Samantha Radocchia ("Sam Rad") is a reformed gamer who started studying virtual currencies in 2009 while writing her anthropology thesis on currency exchanges in the virtual world <i>Second Life</i>. Since then, she has founded four companies, holds several patents, and was an early and outspoken voice in blockchain as the co-founder of Chronicled, an enterprise blockchain company focused on supply chains.

Claire Haidar

<p>Part chaos, part rocket fuel, Claire Haidar is a technology entrepreneur, student pilot and future thinker about all things human, work and play.</p><p>She believes that work is now a chaotic place. This is good and ultimately positive for humanity, but it’s highly disruptive for the foreseeable future. Chaos theory defined is this: what appears to be chaotic is in fact a complex system, where a lot of micro changes are happening regularly, in a seemingly unpredictable way.</p><p>Work on a global level is adopting these exact characteristics.

Rachel Wilson

<p>As the first-ever Head of Cyber Security for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, Rachel Wilson is responsible for ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of firm and client data.</p><p>Additionally, Rachel advises Morgan Stanley leadership on cybersecurity issues, including secure code development standards, secure network architecture, vendor relationships, advanced persistent threat (APT) detection and mobile security. She also leads field and client education and communication on cyber risk, threats and mitigations.

Admiral Mike Rogers (Ret.)

<p>Former NSA Director and head of US Cyber Command—and a trusted expert in geopolitical risk—Admiral Mike Rogers shows leaders how to embrace chaos as an opportunity for change.</p><p>A four-star Admiral with 37 years of service, including his leadership roles as the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Commander of U.S. Cyber Command and the Central Security Service, Admiral Rogers’ experience as a cybersecurity practitioner and policymaker is unmatched.

Kate O'Neill

<p>Digital transformation expert and pioneer Kate O’Neill shares her “Tech Humanist” enthusiasm for the power of data, automation, AI and human-centric design to help businesses thrive—and improve lives—at scale.</p><p>A warm, relatable tech futurist with 25 years of experience and entrepreneurship in data-based business models, integrated experience strategy and human-centric digital transformation, Kate O’Neill leverages the “positive energy” and “contagious enthusiasm” she is known for to help organizations face the unknown with optimism and make strategic decisions in

Andrew Busch

<p>Economic Futurist Andrew Busch converts today’s chaos into tomorrow’s growth opportunities. Drawing from his in-depth research, he covers the economy, public policy and elections, and supercharged trends including AI, future of work, and climate, to help businesses stay resilient and achieve optimal growth.  </p><p>Andrew Busch is the former 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for the US government, and an economic futurist at For the CFTC, he was charged with improving and enhancing the government’s understanding of the markets and the economy.