Team Building (C - Business)

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Team Building

Alison Levine

<p>One of the top leadership speakers of our time, extreme adventurer Alison Levine shares invaluable principles for surviving—and thriving—in today’s toughest business environments.</p><p>Alison Levine understands what it takes to lead teams through challenging situations.

Afterburner Seminars

<p>Afterburner Seminars is a cutting-edge management training team composed of a select group of our nation&#39;s top military fighter pilots. Their mission: use combat-proven fighter-pilot skills to achieve victory in today&#39;s business world.</p><p>During their legendary Afterburner Day Program, your team will experience firsthand the similarities between business and air combat.

Tom Flick

<p>Dynamic and highly sought-after, leadership expert Tom Flick has delivered over 3,000 presentations to a "who&#39;s-who" list of clients that includes Microsoft, Starbucks, Google, Boeing, American Express, Amazon, NASA, MercedesBenz and the Pentagon. Mr. Flick addresses more than 100,000 men and women each year and has garnered a reputation around the world as an authority on leadership, helping organizations develop leaders, lead effective change and accelerate personal, team and organizational performance.</p>

William Espey

<p>The multi-award-winning visionary behind Chipotle, William Espey shares his recipe for connecting authentically and powerfully with customers and employees.</p><p>William Espey is a branding expert known for his pivotal role in creating and developing one of the most significant and successful brands of the last quarter century—Chipotle Mexican Grill. As the company’s “brand voice” for an almost twenty-year run, he played a crucial role in cultivating its growth from its early entrepreneurial roots to the multi-billion dollar chain it became in the U.S. and abroad.

Tom Morrison

<p>Tom Morrison is a life coach and award-winning Association Executive who lives and breathes marketplace disruption and personal development. Tom lead his company to over a 1,000% growth increase since 2006, through using the key elements he shares in his keynotes. Tom&#39;s energetic keynote, "When Uberization Collides With Your Industry," has been a wake up call to industries across the country.</p><p>Over Tom’s 20+ year career as a trade association CEO, he has been a student of marketplace disruption, as well as personal development.

Florent Groberg

<p>Florent “Flo” Groberg shares his story, <i>8 Seconds of Courage</i>, inspiring audiences to see the opportunities in challenging environments and to find the strength to complete any mission.</p><p>On his second deployment to Afghanistan in 2012, American hero “Flo” Groberg demonstrated the ultimate selflessness when he tackled a suicide bomber, significantly minimizing casualties and preserving the lives of the command team it was his mission to protect. For his heroism, U.S.

Gene Kranz

<p>Gene Kranz shares lessons from one of mankind&#39;s most challenging endeavors, revealing how grit, teamwork and thoughtful leadership ensure victory in any circumstance.</p><p>An iconic NASA flight director, Gene is best known for his leadership in bringing Apollo 13 safely back to Earth and guiding Apollo 11 into history with the first moon landing.

Lauren Manning

<p>True survivor of extreme challenge, and business leader, Lauren Manning shares experiences that help organizations thrive even in the most difficult of times.</p><p>“It was my moment. my choice. Keep fighting or surrender and die. I made the choice. I decided to live.”</p><p>The most catastrophically wounded survivor in the September 11th attacks, Lauren battled against all odds to emerge from the fires. A world-renowned role model for her resilience and fortitude surmounting personal and professional challenges.

Mike Abrashoff

<p>Mike Abrashoff recounts his journey transforming the USS Benfold from the worst performing ship in the Navy to the best, and extracts lessons you can use to achieve breakthrough performance. </p><p>When CDR Abrashoff took command of the USS Benfold, the ship&#39;s performance ranked at the bottom of the U.S. Navy’s entire fleet. Determined to improve performance, he focused on what he could change – the ship&#39;s culture.

Derek Daly

<p>Derek Daly reveals his hard-won lessons on the way to becoming a champion race car driver that you can use to accelerate business and personal performance.</p>