Arndrea Waters King

<p>As a passionate leader in the global fight against inequity, injustice, hate crimes, and all forms of pain Arndrea Waters King has worked tirelessly on behalf of those who have been marginalized by helping them find — and collectively use — their voices for change.</p><p>Early in her career, Arndrea had the unique opportunity to be mentored by Dr. C.T. Vivian, a lieutenant of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yolanda Renee King

<p>Yolanda Renee King has passionately addressed mass gatherings in protests against gun violence, homelessness and inhumane treatment of refugees seeking asylum on the U.S. southern border. She also cares deeply about environmental injustice and protecting our planet. </p><p>When she met with President Obama in the Oval Office at the tender age of 4, Yolanda Renee asked him, “Mr.

April Reign

<p>As the creator of the viral hashtag-turned-movement, #OscarsSoWhite , April Reign has been challenging the lack of representation of marginalized communities in Hollywood and beyond since 2015. </p><p>April practiced law for nearly twenty years, honing her talent for public speaking, persuasive writing and effecting policy change, but it wasn’t until she walked away from her legal practice that she found her true passion.

Bree Newsome

<p>Bree Newsome rallies your spirit with her impassioned message about racial equality and illustrates how, with courage, zeal and the support of others, ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference. </p><p>This contemporary civil rights icon first garnered national attention for her daring act of peaceful disobedience in June 2015.