Yolanda Renee King

<p>Yolanda Renee King has passionately addressed mass gatherings in protests against gun violence, homelessness and inhumane treatment of refugees seeking asylum on the U.S. southern border. She also cares deeply about environmental injustice and protecting our planet. </p><p>When she met with President Obama in the Oval Office at the tender age of 4, Yolanda Renee asked him, “Mr. President, what are you going to do about all of these guns?”</p><p>Although both of her parents are energetic social reform activists, they have encouraged her to follow her heart in choosing a career, while being a caring and compassionate person. Yolanda Renee has chosen to become a life-long human rights activist in her own right while leaving open options for pursuing her own career and interests.</p><p>As an inspiration to other young people, Yolanda often gets asked what it feels like to follow in her grandparents&#39; and parents&#39; footsteps--and she confidently shares that she is working to create her own footprint.</p>

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Only Grandchild of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King

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<ul><li><strong>Inspiring Change-Makers of the Next Generation</strong></li><li>Yolanda&#39;s speeches echo the dream that her grandparents, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, initiated. She passionately believes it&#39;s the collective responsibility of her generation to fulfill this dream. Although she and her peers can&#39;t vote yet, the decisions of today&#39;s leaders impact their future. Yolanda emphasizes that marching and activism are their tools for change. Her activism isn&#39;t a game; it&#39;s about vital issues like gun violence, climate change, and voting rights.</li><li>She firmly believes that her generation must take matters into their own hands, as previous generations have fallen short. Yolanda is determined to pave the way for future generations, believing that they can finally achieve the freedom they deserve.</li><li><strong>A Call to End Gun Violence</strong></li><li>In her speeches, Yolanda passionately emphasizes the importance of educating children early about the consequences of violence and the need to foster a culture of nonviolence in America. For her, the issue of gun violence hits home personally, having lost her grandfather, MLK, and her great-grandmother, Alberta Williams King, to gun violence.</li><li>As a member of a generation that has witnessed devastating mass shootings in schools, churches, and public places, Yolanda highlights the urgency of addressing this issue. She points out that young people, while not yet eligible to vote, possess the power to make a difference. Yolanda encourages her peers to engage with elected officials, urging them to take a stand against the sale of weapons associated with mass shootings. She also stresses the significance of participating in protests and advocating for stricter gun safety laws, emphasizing that action is needed to transform collective grief into meaningful change. </li></ul>

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<p>Yolanda Renee King, Inspirational Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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