<p>As the oldest son of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King III serves as an ambassador of his parent’s legacy of nonviolent social change.</p>

<p>A graduate of Morehouse College, Mr. King has devoted his life to working in the non-profit sector to promote civil rights and global human rights and to eradicate the “triple evils” of racism, militarism and poverty his father identified as the scourges of humankind. As a high school student, he serves as a Page to Senator Edward Kennedy, and continued his public service, supporting social change movements through speaking engagements, appearances and his writing. He was later elected as a member of the Fulton County, FA Board of commissioners, representing over 700,000 residents.</p>

<p>As the elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the organization co-founded by his father, Mr. King re-invigorated SCLC by stabilizing the governance, program and development components. As founder and president of Realizing the Dream, Inc., he took his father’s message to a global audience, spearheading nonviolence training in Bosnia Herzegovina, India, Israel & Palestine, Kenya, Sri Lanka and the United States.</p>

<p>A former President and CEO of the Atlanta-based King Center, Mr. King remains a member of its Board of Directors. In addition, he serves as a board member of: Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Drum Major Institute, a New York based Think-Tank and the Metropolitan West Management Asset Corporation.</p>

<p>Mr. King has also served as an election monitor and observer in South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. In addition, Mr. King has conducted nearly 40 Poverty Study Tours in a groundbreaking initiative, which has sparked public debate and law enforcement advocacy on the issue of poverty.</p>

<p>In conjunction with Ambassador Andrew Young and other partners, Mr. King co-founded <i>Bounce TV</i>, the first independently owned and operated TV network featuring African-Americans. The network’s content includes movies, sports, documentaries and original programming.</p>

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Martin Luther
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King III
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Civil Rights Activist and Global Humanitarian

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<ul><li><strong>Realizing the Dream of Dr. King & Coretta Scott King</strong></li><li>Martin Luther King III, the son of iconic civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, embodies a lifelong commitment to justice and human rights. His global humanitarian efforts have taken him across the world, where he has tirelessly worked to improve the lives of people everywhere. With a profound understanding of the ongoing civil rights struggles, Martin Luther King III draws inspiration from his parents&#39; legacy.</li><li>The King family has long understood that meaningful change is driven by the dedication of a few courageous individuals. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, through their leadership, exemplified this truth. Today, we stand at a critical juncture where the principles and values they fought for are being tested. Martin Luther King Jr. represented a moral force for change in our nation, and we are redoubling our efforts to carry forward their vision and realize the dream of</li><li>equality for all.</li><li><strong>Eradicating the Triple Evils Across the Globe</strong></li><li>In Martin&#39;s speeches, he addresses the profound divisions our world faces today while advocating for the preservation of democracy, the expansion of voting rights, protecting the right to choose, and the assurance of fundamental rights for all. Central to his message is the need to restore civility to our political conversations. Martin underscores the importance of cultivating a culture of nonviolence as the path to a more harmonious world, drawing lessons from history where civilizations that succumbed to fear ultimately met their decline.</li><li>In our current moment, we too stand at a crossroads, faced with the choice between chaos and community. He urges us to stand unwaveringly for justice, truth, and righteousness as the means to navigate these challenges and build a brighter future for generations to come.</li><li><strong>Endurance for Equality: The Marathon Towards Justice</strong></li><li>In the quest for justice and equality, MLK III emphasizes that the road ahead is not a sprint, but a marathon. He underscores the enduring nature of this struggle, with each generation playing a vital role in pushing the pendulum closer to a just society. He advocates for the cultivation of a culture of nonviolence, promoting peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution through dialogue rather than harm. While recognizing incremental progress, it&#39;s clear that there&#39;s still a considerable journey ahead. </li><li>If his father, Martin Luther King Jr., were present today, he would observe both hopeful signs and disappointments in society. The unfinished work of Dr. King challenges us all to actively contribute to the creation of a nation where justice prevails. MLK III emphasizes that it&#39;s our collective responsibility to pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future.</li></ul>

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