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Future Trends

Pandit Dasa

<p>Mindful leadership expert, author, and former urban monk Pandit Dasa helps organizations create a mindful work culture—leading to greater workplace happiness, employee engagement and retention, and stronger rapport with customers. </p><p>Pandit Dasa inspires organizations to create a more mindful workplace by encouraging them to lead by example, appreciate the contributions of their colleagues, communicate mindfully and manage one’s emotions.

Nancy Giordano

<p>Described as endlessly optimistic, Nancy is a strategic futurist with a drive to help enterprise organizations and visionary leaders transform to meet the escalating expectations ahead.

Heather McGowan

<p>A champion for humans in the learning-centric future of work, Heather E. McGowan helps leaders prepare their people and organizations for a rapidly changing world.</p><p>The last few years have forever changed where we work, who works, how we work and measure work, what we do for work and, most importantly, why we work. Renowned future of work expert Heather E. McGowan gives lucidity to complex topics through her easy-to-grasp, research-rich graphic frameworks and powerful metaphors.

Bonin Bough

<p>Bonin Bough is a high-energy, crowd-pleasing, audience-inspiring speaker, passionate about bringing brands to life in innovative ways, motivating the people who make that possible, and helping build a more diverse community of creative brand professionals.</p><p>Currently, Bonin is Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Group Black, the largest ecosystem of Black-owned media brands. Comprised of over 150 Black-owned media brands, the collective aims to dramatically transform the face of media ownership and investment.

Eric Siegel

<p>Founder of the long-running Machine Learning Week conference, Eric Siegel, Ph.D. helps companies understand how machine learning and innovations in AI impact our businesses and our daily lives. </p><p>Eric Siegel, Ph.D. is a leading consultant and former Columbia University professor who helps companies deploy machine learning.

Vijay Vaitheeswaran

<p>Drawing from his remarkable scope of geopolitical and global economic expertise, Vijay Vaitheeswaran provides insight on how businesses can strategize, innovate, and find opportunity in today’s disruptive landscape.</p><p>With a career that has taken him from Mexico City to London to Shanghai, Vijay Vaitheeswaran brings an impressive breadth and depth of expertise to topics ranging from globalization, politics and economics to international trade, supply chain and labor disruptions.

John Rossman

<p>John Rossman is a former Amazon executive who provides techniques and strategies for audiences to apply to their business</p><p>Rossman is most known for launching and scaling the Amazon Marketplace, which Jeff Bezos called “one of his magical businesses,” accounting for over 50% of all Amazon units sold and shipped.

Linda Bernardi

<p>Linda Bernardi believes the impact of digital disruption is a huge positive for today’s business organizations. With highly engaged discussions, Linda raises the comfort level audiences have with embracing disruptive technologies. She shares an enthusiastic outlook on how a wide range of sectors such as finance, retail, manufacturing, and healthcare can futureproof their business and thrive in the disruptive economy.  </p><p>Linda is a serial high-tech entrepreneur and one of the pioneers of IoT and the emerging hyperconnected world.

Jack Shaw

<p>Jack Shaw is an Innovation and Change Management Strategist with more than 30 years&#39; experience helping leaders transform their organizations&#39; digital ecosystems amid new waves of technology. A Global Thought Leader, he was voted one of the World&#39;s Top 25 Speakers and one of the Top Five Technology Futurists in polls conducted by Speaking.com. </p><p>Jack has shared his insights and advice with nearly 300,000 of the world&#39;s top leaders and professionals.