College & Theater Events

Kyle Maynard

<p>World-class athlete and best-selling author Kyle Maynard has never considered his physical differences to be a disability, but rather just another obstacle that cannot stop him from realizing his dreams.</p><p>On first sight, Maynard is obviously exceptional. He is a quadruple congenital amputee, which means that his arms end at the elbows, and his legs extend to just past his knees. His adamant refusal to accept the limitations of this condition, however, is what truly sets him apart.

Freeman A. Hrabowski, III

<p>Freeman A. Hrabowski, III -- a charismatic leader who was jailed for almost a week as a 12-year-old in the fight for civil rights in the early-&#39;60s Alabama -- has spent two decades as the president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) striving to channel minorities toward grad school. His research and publications focus on science and math education with special emphasis on minority participation and performance.

Aasif Mandvi

<p>Aasif Mandvi takes you inside his personal journey as a Muslim American, including behind-the-scenes tales from his work on stage and on screen, while initiating conversation about cultural representations in the media today. </p><p>As a <i>Daily Show</i> correspondent, Aasif captivated audiences around the country with his witty, skewering perspective on news, politics and foreign affairs.

Michael Steele

<p>A skilled communicator and political specialist, Michael Steele surveys the political landscape and provides his unique perspective on the top headlines of the day.</p><p>As a leader in the Republican Party and someone with strong ties to the Washington community, Mr. Steele has proven himself as a speaker who offers valuable insight on the hard-hitting topics of the day and the many benefits of fostering cooperation between government and faith-based organizations to help those in need.</p><p>Sworn in as Lt. Governor of Maryland in 2003, Mr.

Robert Glennon

<p>Robert Glennon is the go-to resource for any group that wants to understand why protecting our water supply is as much an economic issue as an environmental one.</p><p>With his deep grasp of the scientific, historical, economic and legal issues associated with America&#39;s water predicament, Robert gives audiences a comprehensive understanding of why a water shortage is imminent and what it will take to save the country&#39;s dwindling supply.</p><p>Robert expertly captured the tragedy and irony of the water crisis in his <i>New York Times<

Derreck Kayongo

<p>With his trademark panache, Derreck Kayongo tells his courageous story of survival, social entrepreneurship, and humanitarianism, and the life lessons he learned along the way. </p><p>From Ugandan refugee to successful entrepreneur, CEO, and renowned human rights activist, Derreck’s journey inspires audiences to dream big. Through personable and articulate storytelling, he shares his visionary ideas for harnessing the power of observation and creative problem solving, applicable to any organization or community.

Benjamin Jealous

<p><strong>Renowned activist, civil rights leader, community organizer and politician Benjamin Jealous outlines what it will take to secure true equality for all Americans and to empower the next generation to lead toward a better future.</strong></p><p>With a background in social justice advocacy, Ben brings a unique perspective to his role as Executive Director at the Sierra Club, focusing on issues of environmental justice, climate change, and conservation.

Sonia Nazario

<p>Sonia Nazario is an award-winning journalist whose stories have tackled some of this country’s most intractable problems -- hunger, drug addiction, immigration -- and have won some of the most prestigious journalism and book awards. </p><p>She is best known for "Enrique&#39;s Journey," her story of a Honduran boy’s struggle to find his mother in the U.S. Published as a series in the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>, "Enrique&#39;s Journey" won the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing in 2003.

Jane Mayer

<p>Jane Mayer has illuminated the story-behind-the-story of U.S. politics for over 20 years and currently serves as the Chief Correspondent for T<i>he New Yorker</i>. As one of America’s leading female investigative journalist, Mayer was recently named one of the 35 most powerful media figures by the <i>Hollywood Reporter.</i></p><p>Jane Mayer began her career as a writer for <i>The New Yorker </i>in 1995 and has maintained her reputation as one of the nation&#39;s most trusted political investigative writers.