Mike Rowe

<p>One of the nation&#39;s most unique storytellers, who is perhaps most recognizable donning a ball cap and construction boots, Mike Rowe is a popular media personality and the host of highly rated TV series, including Discovery Channel’s "Dirty Jobs" and annual "Shark Week" special.</p><p>Rowe&#39;s most recent TV project, CNN’s "Somebody’s Gotta Do It" introduces his fans and viewers to fascinating tradespeople, innovators and entrepreneurs. From blacksmithing, to saving endangered whooping cranes, the show is about passion, purpose, and occasionally, hobbies that get a little out of hand.</p><p>With a strong desire to give back and advocate for the workers featured on his shows, Rowe has launched several campaigns and initiatives focused on reinvigorating the skilled trades, encouraging technical recruitment, and calling attention to issues related to the widening skills gap, the aging workforce, high unemployment and the dilemmas facing trade workers, miners and farmers. His work led him to testify before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee on the importance of changing perceptions and stereotypes around blue-collar work and the House Committee on Natural Resources.</p><p>A dedicated community activist, Rowe works closely with his mikeroweWORKS Foundation and is closely associated with the Future Farmers of America, Skills USA, and the Boy Scouts of America.</p><p>Named as one of <em>Forbes</em> 10 Most Trustworthy Celebrities, Rowe offers down-to-earth perspective on defining success and provides intriguing insight on the enormous but forgotten benefits of hard, honest work, the undervaluation of skilled trades, and the effects to our national identity, our infrastructure and our economy.</p>

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Media Personality, Producer & Co-creator And Host of CNN's "Somebody's Gotta Do It"

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Happy, Dirty People</strong></li><li>Why has America declared a war on work? In this talk, Mike Rowe gives an illuminating account of the true nature of skilled labor, and why it&#39;s being devalued by the media, advertising, and even the government. Why are people who do dirty jobs some of the happiest people you&#39;ll ever meet? How do they achieve a work-life symmetry others can&#39;t? What lessons can we learn about teamwork, determination, efficiency, and our definition of success? With conviction, humor and deep humanity, Mike Rowe brings us face-to-face with Americans who are simply doing their jobs, happily and well. In the process, he reminds us of the enormous but forgotten benefits of hard, honest work, and how it affects everything from our national identity to our infrastructure to the economy.</li></ul>

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Media Personality, Producer & Co-creator And Host of CNN&#39;s "Somebody&#39;s Gotta Do It"
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Mike Rowe, Dirty Jobs, Discovery Channel, Celebrity Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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