<p>Mike Mullane joined NASA in 1978 as one of the original shuttle astronauts. He flew three space shuttle missions and logged 356 hours in space. Mullane&#39;s stories of his illustrious career with NASA provide audiences with first-hand accounts of the inspirational, motivational, and humorous aspects of the astronaut experience. </p><p>Mullane conveys the riveting human drama of the space-flight chapter of American history, highlights the value of teamwork and ingenuity, and stresses the individual&#39;s responsibility to stay vocal in maintaining team safety in dangerous and hazardous environments. </p><p>After retirement from NASA, Mike published two books: <i>Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut</i> and his fictional story, <i>Red Sky—A Novel of Love, Space & War.</i> He has hosted <i>Inside Space</i>, a nationally syndicated cable program on the USA Network. </p><p>Always challenging expectations, in September 2012, after three days of climbing on snow and glaciers, Mullane summited Mt. Rainier at the age of 67. The climb represented his perspective on goal setting, tenacity in the face of obstacles, and pushing individual and team limits. Mullane believes that in every personal and professional metric, we are capable of achieving far beyond what we might imagine, and we discover those limits through self-challenge and staying focused on the goal even in the face of significant adversity, much like he experienced throughout his ground-breaking career at NASA.</p>

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One of NASA’s Original Shuttle Astronauts and Author

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<ul><li><strong>Countdown to Safety</strong></li><li>Astronaut Mike Mullane delivers a powerful message on the individual&#39;s role in keeping themselves and their teams safe in hazardous environments. Mullane introduces this subject with a recount of his own near-death experience in a fighter jet, when he failed to speak up about an unsafe situation.  The messages delivered in "Countdown to Safety" are reinforced with rarely seen NASA video and slides. The program is hard-hitting and fast-paced.  It is certain to open the eyes of every viewer to their individual criticality to team safety.</li><li><strong>Countdown to Teamwork</strong></li><li>In this presentation, leadership speaker Mike Mullane illustrates that teams are the best when they practice certain fundamentals. He uses experiences he had as an astronaut and Air Force flyer to develop these fundamentals, including: guarding against the "normalization of deviance," responsibility, trust, courageous self leadership, and courageous team leadership.</li><li><strong>The Lighter Side of Space Flight</strong></li><li>Mike Mullane takes audiences on a uniquely revealing, captivating, and hilarious space journey. Using spectacular video and slides, he answers everybody&#39;s space questions. The audience will not only be entertained by this lecture, but will also gain entry into the world of the astronaut, an experience few people get to have.</li></ul>

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<p><b>One of NASA’s Original Shuttle Astronauts highlights the value of teamwork and stresses the individual&#39;s responsibility to stay vocal in maintaining team safety in dangerous environments.</b></p>
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Mike Mullane, Business Speaker, Astronaut, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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