<p>John Sculley is one of America&#39;s best-known business leaders, with one foot in the storied history of Apple technology and the other planted firmly in 21st century innovations that change the way the world does business. Few entrepreneurs have been as successful across so many fields as Sculley. His success stories include telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, high technology, Internet services, consumer marketing, and outsourcing services.</p><p>Drawing upon more than 40 years&#39; experience as a corporate executive, investor, entrepreneur, mentor, and rainmaker, Sculley has become a sought-after global storyteller for the digital revolution. He is a gifted speaker, sharing his perspectives on topics such as beyond globalization and reinvention of work, how adaptive companies succeed in an era of the commoditization of almost everything, solving healthcare through innovation, and new big brand consumer health services.</p><p>Best known today as the former CEO of Apple Computer, Sculley&#39;s corporate career began in 1967 when, armed with a Wharton MBA, he was hired by Pepsi-Cola Company as a trainee. Three years later, he became the company&#39;s youngest vice president for marketing, applying his ideas about "experience based marketing" to the Pepsi Generation campaign. He initiated the Pepsi Challenge taste tests, and oversaw development and launch of the first plastic soft drink bottle, which together dethroned Coca-Cola. By 1977, Sculley was Pepsi-Cola Company&#39;s youngest President and CEO.</p><p>Today, Sculley is focused on sharing his considerable experience with corporate executives, "serial entrepreneurs," and third-wave companies that are not afraid to take risks, to adapt to change, or to use technological advances to achieve their goals.</p>

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Former CEO of Apple, Corporate Executive, Investor, Entrepreneur and Rainmaker

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>The High Tech Tsunami that is Changing the World</strong></li><li>Three giant, explosive growth high technologies are converging at an amazing pace -- Cloud, Internet-of-Things, and unstructured data science.  Their derivative effects will be that every major industry will be disrupted, reshaped or even reinvented. John Sculley&#39;s unique position as a leader in disruptive high technologies, a global investor and a successful entrepreneur make him an expert at explaining the impact of this High Tech Tsunami and how it will impact your business. Organizations that will be impacted are medicine, health care delivery, marketing, eCommerce and retailing, education, manufacturing, telecommunications, financial services, energy management and government.</li><li><strong>Sculley also gives audiences a presentation tailored to their specific event on a wide variety of topics, including:</strong></li><li>The Adaptive Corporation<div>How Companies Create Innovation</div><div>Commoditization of Almost Everything</div><div>Consumer Driven Healthcare Services</div><div>The Reinvention of Work</div><div>The Future of the Global Economy</div><div>Big Brand Marketing Meets Big Data Analytics</div><div>Why Big Ideas Happen in Small Companies</div><div>Beyond Social Media: the Social Next Big Thing</div><div>Experience Marketing: Targeting Lifestyles</div><div>Mobility: a New Era of Exponential Growth</div><div>Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing</div><div>Business- or technology-related speech custom tailored to your audience and event</div></li></ul>

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Former CEO of Apple, Corporate Executive, Investor, Entrepreneur and Rainmaker
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John Sculley, Business Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau
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