<p>Brock Long is a former Administrator of FEMA and a 20-year veteran of emergency management within the public and private sector. He offers a unique perspective as organizations, businesses and citizens come to grips with the realities of crisis management and preparedness following the coronavirus outbreak.</p><p>Long led our nation through some of its worst natural disasters—from hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria to the wildfire activity in the US and Canada. On stage, he shares behind-the-scenes anecdotes and urges audiences prepare for the unexpected by becoming more resilient. Long delivers valuable takeaways on crisis and disaster management, long term strategic planning, thought leadership, and protecting our homeland.</p><p>In assisting the recoveries of communities affected by over 220 disasters (2017-2018), Long distributed over $37 billion in Disaster Relief funds, managed 30 disasters with damages exceeding $1 billion, and led his team through three of the five costliest hurricanes in history. He also spearheaded FEMA’s first inclusive “Whole Community” Strategic Plan.</p>

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Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 2017 – 2019

Speech Topics

<ul><li><strong>Preparing for the Unexpected: Thought Leadership, Crisis Management, and the Value of a Proactive Mind-Set</strong> </li><li>From hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria to the wildfire activity in the US and Canada in 2017, Brock Long has helped communities navigate through a string of devastating natural disasters. From a storm-battered Puerto Rico to the tornado-scarred planes of the Mid-West, one thing that remains true, regardless of the situation on the ground, is that having a plan in place to manage the crisis goes a long way in helping the community heal more quickly. As Long shares behind-the-scenes anecdotes from his many experiences, he also helps audiences prepare for the unexpected with valuable takeaways on how to approach crisis and disaster management, school safety, and homeland security.</li><li><strong>How to Create a Culture of Emergency Preparedness – Timely Information for the Financial and Insurance Sectors</strong></li><li>Former FEMA Administrator Brock Long led his team through a staggering 220 declared disasters. In fact, on the day Hurricane Harvey roared ashore in Texas, Brock’s people already were managing separate disasters in 30 states. With vivid storytelling, Brock dispels the myths about flood preparation, shares fascinating details the public rarely hears about well-known disasters, and reveals the hard lessons FEMA has learned as a massive insurer. For financial and insurance audiences, Brock explains the “liquid asset poverty” that cripples individual financial resiliency, and what’s really needed in community disaster preparation. From witnessing the unimaginable human and property loss in the Paradise, California fires to reviewing disaster recovery needs aboard Air Force One, Brock Long’s experiences provide a world of insights uniquely suited to insurance and financial professionals.  </li></ul>

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<p><b>The former Administrator of FEMA and 20-year veteran of emergency management helps audiences prepare for the unexpected.</b></p>
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<p>Brock Long, Leadership Speaker, Keppler Speakers Bureau</p>
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