Brock Long

<p>Brock Long is a former Administrator of FEMA and a 20-year veteran of emergency management within the public and private sector. He offers a unique perspective as organizations, businesses and citizens come to grips with the realities of crisis management and preparedness following the coronavirus outbreak.</p><p>Long led our nation through some of its worst natural disasters—from hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria to the wildfire activity in the US and Canada.

Mike Abrashoff

<p>Mike Abrashoff recounts his journey transforming the USS Benfold from the worst performing ship in the Navy to the best, and extracts lessons you can use to achieve breakthrough performance. </p><p>When CDR Abrashoff took command of the USS Benfold, the ship&#39;s performance ranked at the bottom of the U.S. Navy’s entire fleet. Determined to improve performance, he focused on what he could change – the ship&#39;s culture.